Time to Play the Player

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I sat on the cold steps waiting for Bree to finish her test. Emily had gone a little awhile ago, after I insisted she head home. There really wasn’t any sense in her waiting around.

So, having nothing better to do, I stared intently at my hands, which truly were fascinating at all, and contemplated about everything. It seemed so much had happened. Amazing what a look could do.

“Bella! Earth to Bella,” a voice exclaimed as a hand passed up in down, blocking my vision.

“About time,” I muttered teasingly.

“Don’t judge. It was hard. You know, not everyone is freakishly brilliant. So have the guys been bombarding you yet?”

“Well…umm,” I muttered intellectually. My eyes lowered as a blush rose. I hadn’t realized what I was getting into when I agreed to the change. There was a certain comfort in invisibility. Instantaneously, I already felt pressured on what was expected and how I behave. Why did it suddenly seem so important? Why would I even care?

The truth was, I was worried that if I did not keep up appearances, Emily would not be the only one that discovered who I once was. If Jake realized, then it would be as if nothing had changed because, in reality, it might as well hadn’t changed; everything would reverse to as it was.

“Sooo,” she prodded, drawing out the word with a mischievous grin. Crossing my arms, I just glared at her, stubbornly refusing to answer, simply waiting for her to become bored with the direction of conversation. “So, what happened with the attitude that came with the look?” she asked with a playful grin and voice dripping of sarcasm.

Narrowly avoiding an afternoon filled with her questioning about every detail, I decided to ask about something more important, or at least someone whom Bree would be very curious about.

“So enough with this already,” I began, unsubtly changing the conversation. “I was talking to Emily after school today, while I was waiting for a certain someone to finish a certain stupid test.”

“Sorry,” she responded sheepishly. “Anyway, so what’s the big deal?”

“Well, I decided to help her with something, which just so happens to be getting back at Jake Ryder,” I explained.

“And how exactly do you plan on going about that? You do realize this is Jake Ryder we’re talking about- the major jerk who has gone out of his way to make your life miserable.”

Indignation fired briefly before becoming extinguished. I had all the reasons to get back at him, but not exactly the means. A single thought crossed my mind- so deliciously appealing yet terrifying.

“Play the player.”

“What was that?” Bree asked.

Oops, I hadn’t realized I’d said it aloud. I really did need to be more careful not blurt out any random thoughts that crossed my mind, especially because it could be insanely random.

“I’m going to play him. He’s broken a lot of hearts, and its time he gets a taste of his own medicine. Plus, I can ensure that he will never again mess with me.”

A small laugh escaped my lips at the thought. Days ago I would never have thought it was possible and that was more the reason for it. I would not let people walk over me again. I craved confidence and needed it.

“Are you out of your mind? I don’t want you to get hurt.”

“Please,” I exclaimed, drawing out the word and widening my eyes. Work the puppy dog expression, I thought to myself. I batted my eyelashes to make my eyes appear glossy as if with unshed tears. This only caused Bree to erupt with laughter. So apparently I have some work to do on that then.

“Fine, I’ll help you out. I don’t support this, but I’m in.”

Author's note: Hi awesome readers (if you are still there...) I am so sorry for the delay in posting this. Life got so hectic with college applications and what not, but I'm back=) So, I really don't particularly like this section but I decided to post it anyway. I might change it later. Regardless, I'd love to hear what you think! Thanks!

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Mar 01, 2012 ⏰

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