Nerd Gone Bad (Part 2)

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“See you then.” I quickly scrawled before I could think otherwise. I had never been the girl that guys were interested in and now being placed in that position required some getting use to. I quickly push the folded paper back towards him before I loose my confidence, looking slightly upward at him from beneath my hair. His vibrant green eyes stared avidly at me with the most peculiar sense of agitation and amusement as well as a particular sparkle as they read my response.

Well that was certainly an interesting and ever so productive class, I thought as the bell rings, dismissing us from class. "Bye Ella," he said with a grin.

"Bye," I practically whisper back as he leaves the class. He lacked the the unnaturally handsome appearance of  Jake, and he had never noticed me before.  The fact that troubled me most was his sudden newfound interest in me. I found myself questioning why I had even agreed to meet him.Yet, unlike Jake, he never tormented me and I supposed that was good enough reasoning for me.

I felt a slip of paper fall to the ground by my feet. Picking up the rumpled page, my fingers smooth the creases. My eyes widened with disbelief as I read the text. I know who you are Bella. You haven’t fooled everyone. Please meet me after school. I have a favor.

No sooner than he left, Audrey came running up through the rows of desks I instantly pressed the letter into Aubrey’s hands. Neither of us had a clue as to who had passed me the note. The writing was messy and could easily be that of a girl or boy.

"Don’t worry about it Ella. We’ll figure it out. But in the meantime, you have info to share. Tell me...EVERYTHING!" She practically shouted at me.

In a playfully petulant manner, crossing my arms, and tapping my foot, "well...I dunno. I don't suppose there is anything that you would like to know."

"Come on! Please tell me! You know you want to."

"Well...hey wait! Aren't you supposed to be heading off to class?"

"Ok, that's just plain mean! Just tell me already!"

"Well for that I guess you will just have to wait," I said sticking my tongue immaturely out at her with a smug expression. As I laughed as her playful vindictive expression, I realized things definitely hadn't changed much since we were kids.

 "I'm off to PE. But, I will meet you after school and maybe decide to tell you!" PE, Lovely, just wonderful. I am without a doubt the world's biggest klutz. I have always found it ironic that I use to be so good at ballet but yet I will trip over my own feet. Go figure!

 Aubrey just scowled at me as she headed off to her next class and I to the gym. After lining up, receiving our gym clothes, and changing, I come back out ever slight discomfited. I quickly pull back my loose curls into a messy ponytail before rejoining the class. I hadn't expected to have PE today so I am thus wearing the loose gray t-shirt and navy blue shorts with the cute ballet flats that had been my version of a fashion compromise.

“Hey can you pass me the ball?” a guy asked. I stare until my eyes caught site of the volleyball by my feet. I pulled my foot back and pressed it against the ball. The ball went soaring and as did my shoe, hitting Jake in the head. This caused a few snickers from the students and a couple of wolf whistles from the guys. After thanking karma as I took in Jake massaging his head, acting as if nothing is wrong, I strut over to the rest of the class. I figure, I might as well take advantage of the situation, no matter how awkward it was. After all, it's only as awkward as you make it.

Our teacher had to have noticed, but dismisses my interesting choice of shoes. She then explains that we are going to be playing tennis and tells us to get into groups of four. Fortunately, three guys immediately walked over to me and ask if I would like to join their group. I probably should have paid more attention in English because I was pretty sure that one of the guys was in my class. They introduce themselves as Tanner, Alex, and Taylor.

The four of us hustle off to get tennis rackets and balls. I have never played tennis before so this should be interesting. Fortunately, Tanner, Alex, and Jake were very patient with me and I didn't cause too much damage. I mean yeah, the only ball I hit ended up hitting me in the head. Fortunately, the only damage was quite a few laughs that resulted from my lack of skill. In all fairness though, it was very easy to get distracted with three really attractive guys on my team. Their defined muscles would flex as the racket swung with ease and collided with the ball.

Author's note: Who do you think knows who she really is? The person who guess correctly first will have the next chapter dedicated to them...

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