The Mysterious Stranger

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            Tick tock, tick tock. The clock had never seemed so fascinating to me. Go faster, I nearly shouted at it. Fortunately I didn’t or I would have received a lot of strange glances. As it was, I already was the spastic new girl who wacked herself with a tennis racket, not something I’m proud of. It was rather embarrassing walking in late to class because naturally everyone knew. Gossip sure does travel, and I was not use to being the source of it. The attention I was still receiving was strange enough for me- so unnatural, as if being scrutinized by the public eye when in reality I doubted anyone even cared.

            Math usually interested me, but not today. The numbers just made my head ache. And like that wasn’t bad enough, I had a meeting with Matt and a mysterious stranger. Ooh, that sounds like a children’s detective story. No: math, numbers, calculus, I reproached myself, attempting to refocus my attention. It was impossibly frustrating. When the bell finally rang, I ran to the parking lot of the school.

            As I looked around at the cars and students trickling from class, I realized not only did I have no idea as to who I was looking for, I did not even know where to meet the mysterious stranger. I glanced around, hoping for a student to approach me, make eye contact, anything really. The only reactions I got were the friendly smiles of a few guys. I struggled to remind myself how fake they really were. Not even days ago, they never would have glanced in my direction.

            Aggravated, I sat down upon the stairs in front of the entrance to the school and wrapped my arms around my legs. Stupid mysterious stranger! You probably are going to threaten to reveal my identity and you’re making me wait. Not very nice at all, I thought as anticipation grew within me. My palms grew clammy and I wiped them gently.  

            I heard the sound of someone sit down beside me. By now, most of the students had left, except for Aubrey, who perfectly and coincidentally had a test to finish. Though I was well aware of the person sitting next to me, I refused to acknowledge their presence. I was annoyed, but finally spoke the first words.

            “What do you want?”  After turning towards my companion, I withheld a small gasp, instantly feeling bad for how rude I came across. “Oh, I’m so sorry Emily. I thought you were someone else.”

            Don’t worry about it,” she said with a smile. Her hands fiddled as her fingers intertwined playfully with each other. “Thanks for meeting me.”

Dum, dum, dum, dum! Lol! Anti-climatic right? Well anyways, I hope you liked this section. I personally didn't really. But, you get to look forward to finding out what Emily wants and what the plan is, and that (my amazing readers:D) is where the story relaly begins!

Sorry, I'm being really random! Anyway, thanks a ton for reading=) Please remember to vote and comment!

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