Chapter One // Moving? Again!

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Chapter One

Nadia Banks

"Ugg girl school is so depressing." I said into the phone talking to my Friend Sam.

"Right like all of the shit we got to do, damn its stressful." She said, agreeing to my statement. I was about to say something back to her, but my Mom walked in, and mouthed 'We, need to talk.' She didn't look happy at all. I hope there wasn't anything wrong.

"Hey Sammy." I paused. "I gotta call you back." I said then looked back at my Mom.

"Alright, text me later."

"Kay." I said, then hung up. I set my phone down on my desk and turned my whole body to my Mom, letting her know that she had my full attention.

"So what do we have to talk about?" I asked her, breaking the silence. Before she said anything, she sat down on my bed, right across from me.

She took a deep breath then spoke." We're moving." She mumbled looking down playing with her fingers. I just Sat there in Shock. "What?" I asked. Hoping that she was kidding and messing with me. "We are moving." She said this time looking straight into my eyes. I felt a tear drop from my cheek to the palm of my hands. "Mom w-why do w-we have to m-move, you know that my w-whole life is h-here in Georgia, I cant just l-leave it all behind." I semi-yelled. "I'm sorry Nadia." I looked at her in disbelieve. "How come you didn't tell me this first before you decided on us moving?" I questioned. "Because I knew that you wouldn't like moving to a different state." She answered. "State? A different state? Really mom, why do you hate me so much?" I asked. "I don't hate you Nadia, I love you, your my daughter. I'm only doing this for the best of You and I." "Which state?" "California." She mumbled. "California? That's like freaking two-thousand miles from here." I cried. "Nadia I'm sorry, but its for the best." My mom said, holding me in her arms. All I could do was cry. I started crying heavily into her chest. I can believe that we are moving to a different state. Did she even think about me at all. I have never thought about leaving all of my family and friends behind before. This is so fucking stressful. I slowly cried my self to sleep.



I woke up in my bed underneath my purple and pink Rosemary covers. I felt my face was kinda rusty, then my memory came back. Earlier my Mom came into my room telling me that we are moving. Oh my gosh this just really hurts me knowing that I am going to be leaving my whole life in Georgia and starting a new one all the way in Fucking California, I don't even know anyone that lives there. Fuck My Fucking Life Man. I walked into the bathroom and washed my face because of all of my crying. then I brushed my teeth. I took a long ass shower because I really need to take a break of all of this shit that's been happening so quickly.

~Forty-Five Minutes later~

When I was done in the shower I changed into something comfortable. My Sponge Bob pj's, comfortable right yea I know. I ran downstairs to get a snack because I haven't eaten since I came back from school. Oh that reminds me, I forgot to text Sam, damn I don't know how I am going to break it to them. Ill just tell them at school tomorrow because right now, I don't feel like hearing 'Aw why?' or 'No please stay, you cant go.' Yea that shit is annoying. I went into the pantry and got a pack od fruit snacks. As I was eating them, my Mom came rushing down the stairs. 'Oh my gosh what now?' I thought to myself. "Nadia." "Yes mom." "You need to start packing." She told me. "But why?" I paused then continued. "Aren't we leaving next week?" I asked, hoping that I was right. "No." Fuck. "Then when are we leaving?" I asked hoping she would say never, and this whole moving thing was a joke. "Tomorrow, when you get back from school." Are you fucking serious. I didn't say anything to her, but Just walked away and ran upstairs locking myself in my room balling my eyes out. I heard someone knock on my door softly. "Nadia" My mom called my name. "Leave me alone." "Nadia, please open the door, at least we leave when you get back from school, and not before, at least you can say bye to your friends." 'The fuck she talking about, does she not understand that I don't wanna leave.' It was silent for a second until she spoke. "Nadia, i'm sorry for putting you trough this shit, but you know how it is out here, I'm not doing this for me, I'm doing this for the both of us. I promise you, you will love California its a nice place, and the schools there are interesting. Just please pack your stuff, ill make it up to you, I promise sweetie." "Alright." I said so she could leave me alone. I heard footsteps slowing fading away, away from my room at least. I got up from my bed and started packing my shit.



Next Day

Nadia Banks

School ended and I was being Car rider. My Mom was picking me up today so we could leave faster. Telling everyone about me moving at school, was a really big Fuck day, Sam cried the most because we have been buddies ever since 6th grade in Middle school, I'm really going to miss them. Sam, Tyler, Ray. Rian. Kyler, Jeninin, and Jenny.

When we reached the house it was empty, everything was really gone, noting was in the house just like a ghost house. I aid goodbye to every place in the house, yea you guys might think that I'm weird, but I grew up in this house, this is my home, the place I learned how to walk and do all of my first things. I will never forget this House nor this place. My mom yelled from outside telling me that it was time to go. I dropped a tear but quickly wiped it away, and walked into the car. My last thought; I love you Banks, and I will never forget you."



I woke up to my Mom Shaking me. "Nadia, hun. We are here." She said, all excited and shit. I rubbed my eyes and looked out the window. Damn, this house though, its fucking huge, now the one back in Georgia is huge too, but this one is twice the size. Damn. I grabbed my bags and walked into the house, when I saw the inside of it, its like a fucking mansion. Mom got some nice taste. "You can pick any room, except for the master one with the Bed." My Mom said. I nodded in response. I picked the room with the double window doors and the balcony, oh my gosh this house is the bomb. I pulled out my phone and checked that it was 9 already. I threw my stuff on the floor and decided on unpacking later tomorrow. Right now I just have to worry about going to a new school.

That's were all the hell begins.


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