Until We Meet Again

Start from the beginning


Taehyung was startled by Dongwan's voice that the only thing that he could hear was claps from people

"Oh! That guy is good looking."

Taehyung licked his ice cream "Really?"

"Yes. Let's see how beatiful his voice is. I bet it's not really that great since people either have a good voice or good looking face."

Taehyung laughed at his bestfriend's statement. "Let's see!"

Loving can hurt..loving can hurt sometimes

It is the only thing that I know

When it gets hard..you know it can get hard sometimes

It is the only that makes us feel alive

"Whoa...I never knew God was so unfair. HOW COULD HE HAVE A BEAUTIFUL VOICE AND FACE??"

Taehyung didn't say anything. He didn't even bother to wipe the melted ice cream on his skin.

We keep this love in a photograph

We'll make these memories for ourselves

Where our eyes are never closing

And hearts were never broken

And time's forever frozen still

"Ya-ya. What's with that smile?"

Taehyung was startled "Huh? What? What smile?"

"You're obviously smiling. I guess someone's in love."

Taehyung bit his lip "What do you mean? How could I love someone that I didn't know and whose voice I just heard for the first time?"

"Taehyung-ah,love can touch people in evey way,even a bizzare one that makes no sense."

Taehyung chuckled "Deep."

"As deep as your feel toward that good looking guy with unfairly good voice."

Taehyung hit Dongwan's head "Stop it!"

So you can fit me inside the necklace you got when you were sixteen

Next to your heart beat where I should be

Keep it deep-

That guy suddenly stopped singing and everything went silent. Taehyung frowned.

Taehyung nudged Dongwan "Dongwan-ah,what's wrong?"


Taehyung once again frowned. But as soon as he heard a gun shots and panic screams,his heart began to beating so fast. He reached for Dongwan's hand which was as cold as ice now

"Dongwan-ah,what's wrong? Dongw-"

Taehyung touched his chest. His body suddenly felt so cold. There was a pain on his chest. Everything became quiet. Taehyung couldn't hear anything

Suddenly,his eyes were dazzled by a bright light. He slowly opened his eyes and found a man in white was standing in front of him. The tall man smiled at him

"Hello,Kim Taehyung. I come here to take you away from the earth."

Taehyung tried to proceed what that man just said "What-what do you mean?"

The man smiled "You were shooted by bunch of jerks who lost their mind. And as for your friend,Kim Dongwan,he is still alive because he was shooted on his leg. Now,I am here to take you away. But as what's written on the rules,we'll let you do something that you want to do before you go. You can tell us now and we'll fulfill it."

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