It was Wesley's turn to scoff and roll his eyes. But he said nothing. And neither did Kendall. Kendall suspected it was because the both of them didn't really know what to say. Mr Sutherland knew that too, which is why he continued. "It was one thing to trash a locker, rip books and another to steal uniforms and key a car but to now take the problem further as to cutting each other's hair in the middle of class?" The principal's voice grew a decibel every time he listed another...issue that Wesley and Kendall had brought to the one another. "Consider this a warning. Your first and last."

Wesley leaned forward and rested his elbows on his knees while Kendall leaned back, one leg over the other as per usual. Kendall watched Wesley closely, waiting to observe what he had planned on saying or doing. "Sir, I don't think you understand what you are threatening to do." He said, looking the principal straight in the eye.

"Go on."

"You see, Miss Emeretta and I are children of some of the most powerful people in New York. The elite of the elite, if you will." Wesley told him, gesturing to Kendall who stayed back and said nothing. Although, Kendall did like where Wesley was taking the conversation as it was where she would've taken it had Wesley not have. Mr Sutherland's face morphed into one of suspicion as he listened to Wesley. He obviously was not supportive of the sudden turn in the discussion. "What would happen to this school if we left?"

"You wouldn't be leaving, Mr Archer, I would be expelling you." Mr Sutherland corrected.

"Now, that is where you are mistaken." Wesley said, his lips curling up into a sly smirk. "Remember, we're powerful and rich. You think we'd let it get out that we were expelled? No, we would leave because we and our parents alike believe that this school and its teachings are not up to par with the education that the elite of New York need."

Mr Sutherland said nothing but his expression said it all. It was Kendall's turn to have some fun now.

"How do you think the other families of the students here will take that?" She asked him, "Wesley Archer, possibly the best swimmer in the state and also academically one of the best in New York and me, Kendall Emeretta, Heiress to House of Emeretta Hotels and also one of the top academically in New York leaving this school? You don't think that people will follow us and leave as well? That two people with such reputations leaving won't destroy this school?"

"I think you two are incredibly full of yourselves." The principal said, a hard glare in his beady eyes. Kendall didn't miss the noticeable sweat on his forehead.

Kendall's lips pulled up into a smug smile and she leaned forward slightly, "I think that you know we're right."

"Who is everyone going to believe? The pathetic high school principal or the two families who are renowned throughout New York?" Wesley interjected.

"I think you also know the answer to that."

"I think we're done here." Wesley stated and looked at Kendall, "What do you think?"

"I would tend to agree." Kendall let out an airy chuckle as Wesley stood up and offered her a hand. Kendall took it and waved to the principal, "Let's not do this again, now if you'll excuse us, we both have hair appointments to book."

The pair left the stale smelling office and ambled through the hallway of Ridgeman Prep. Kendall let out a laugh as she bounced alongside Wesley. "I haven't had that much fun in a while."

"We do make a pretty terrifying team." Wesley chuckled.

"The first time we ever helped each other is when we're both trying to take down a high school principal." Kendall stated, "How mature of us."

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