An Unexpected Surprise

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The man walks up to the car the three are in and taps on the glass, with no objection Robert rolls the window down.

"What are you doing in my territory?" The man says with hostility in his voice

"I-I-I'm sorry...I didn't know this was your territory." Robert says

The man looked scary he was wearing full body armor that was black and it had blood splatters all over it. This guy was no joke, he knew what he was doing in this new world. The man then takes off his helmet to reveal his identity.


Robert has a shocked look on his face and stares for about a minute. He then shakes his head to snap out of his trance, It's his friend Johnny Depp. In a flash Robert gets out of the car and hugs him.

"It's such a relief to see a familiar face."

"It definitely is my friend, hey who is in the car with you?"

Robert motions for them to get out of the car, lining up single file beside Robert.

"My son Indio and a little girl I found in a suburb outside of Malibu."

Indio walks up to Johnny and shakes his hand admiring all of the armor Johnny had on.

"Wow, looks like you know what you are doing now-a-days."

Johnny laughs while shaking his hand.

"Hey Johnny where are you your territory?" Robert says laughing.

"I've got a camp with about twenty survivors not too far from here, you guys are definitely welcome!" He smiles and heads over to the car and gets in the driver's seat and tells them to get in.

"I'll drive you guys to the camp."

They all get in to the car and make their way to the camp. Johnny talked about how he survived through the mess that they live in now. The day it all went down Johnny lost his family much like Robert but Robert still has Indio. Johnny lost both of his children to the infected.

"I lost them the day that it happened, I miss them so much." Johnny says with his eyes starting to water. 

Robert looks at him with a sad expression on his face, and puts his hand on Johnny's shoulder. Johnny nods and blinks the tears away then continues to drive to the camp. The rest of the ride was silent until they arrived. Once they got to the camp they were greeted by two men dressed in the same gear as Johnny was. Black heavy armor that covers them from head to toe. They must have gotten it from a nearby police station, the armor looks that of what police use when there is a riot. 

After Robert, Indio, and Anna were scanned with the scanners that the police would use to test if people were infected or not, they gained entrance into the camp. The camp was decent sized, some kids ran up to Anna and greeted themselves and they were tugging on her arm to go play, she looks up to Robert for permission to go with the other kids.

"Go on sweetie, make some friends." He says with a big smile on his face.

Anna hugs him and runs off with the other kids to an area around the mothers of the group. 

While Anna was playing Indio and Robert took a tour with Johnny, he showed them where they can stay first. There was a tent, that could hold atleast four people, blankets, and sleeping bags. Robert set all of their stuff inside the tent and returned to Johnny to continue the tour. Johnny then showed them the public shower, it had a generator hooked up to it so there was warm water.

"We have a well not too far from here, we get fresh water for the shower from the well."

"Seems like you guys have a decent set-up here." Robert says with a smile

"We make the best of it." Johnny says with a shrug and laughs

Johnny motions with his head for them to follow, he makes his way to a large tent that has a white cross on it. He opens the flap and enters the tent, Rob and Indio following him. 

"This is the medical tent, we have two of the best doctors possible so if you ever get wounded they'll fix you up quick." Johnny says winking at them and continuing out of the tent.

Johnny walks up to a tall skinny man with brown short hair and green eyes, the man wore khaki pants and a navy blue buttoned shirt with a white undershirt.

"Hey David I need you to meet the newest additions to our little survivor group." He says giving the man a handshake bringing it into a hug.

David pats Johnny's back and releases from the hug and sticks out his hand to shake Robert's.

"Nice to meet you.." He says in an asking tone.

"Robert, and this is my son Indio. We also have a little girl with us named Anna." Robert says shaking David's hand and moves to the side so Indio could also shake his hand.

"She about six, blonde hair, green eyes?" David asks.

"Uh. Yeah that's her." Robert says tilting his head to the side.

"She was playing with my son, all the kids are pleased to have a new playmate." David says with a smile.

"She definitely could use some friends. It could do her some good." Robert says smiling while looking at the kids playing hop scotch. Anna sees him and waves, Robert returns a wave and looks back at David.

"Well I have to go check up on my wife, it's almost dinner time. We're having venison." David says with a smile and his eyes wide, rubbing his stomach and makes his way to what must be his tent.

"He's my right-hand man when it comes to running this camp." Johnny says

"Seems like a cool guy."

"You guys must be hungry, dinner starts in about an hour. Dinner is in the tent across from the medical tent." He says pointing. 

Before you he knew it Johnny was off making his rounds. Robert puts an arm around Indio and walks with him back to their tent.

"So what do you think of this place kiddo?" Robert says removing his arm and sitting on a lawn chair outside of thier tent.

"I think it's perfect! It has everything, and it seems to be untouched by the infected." 

Indio finds a lawn chair leaning against a chest in front of their tent and unfolds it and sits in it.

"Yeah, this place will do." he says crossing his arms behind his head laying back into the chair. Robert laughs and lays back into his chair tipping his baseball cap down to cover his eyes and slowly drifts off to sleep.

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