Breaking News

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The sun was reaching the peak of the sky; it was a humid day in busy California. Robert was lounging on the couch with his wife, Susan. He leaned in slightly, keeping watch on the show playing on the television. Susan smiled, lightly laughing at the attention he was paying to the show. Looking to her side she watched her young son Exton playing with his toys in the same room. Robert looks over at Susan extending his arm over her shoulder and placing a light kiss on her cheek.

"Indio is supposed to come over today, right?"

"Yeah, around four o'clock"

She paused slightly looking over at the clock. The time read 3:56.

"He should be here soon."

They smiled to each other, anticipating the arrival of Rob's older son. Suddenly the television broke from the sitcom and a red banner appeared reading emergency news, the T.V flashed displaying a frantic, disheveled news anchor.

Creases formed around Robert’s eyebrows, displeased at his show abruptly stopping.

“This better be good, I was getting into that show.”

“I wonder what it is.”

Susan stood up walking over to pick up her son, her mouth turning down in growing worry.

“I don’t know but it must be important.”

Holding Exton close, she reached for Robert’s hand, clasping on to it. They both put their full attention to the emergency broadcast.

The news anchor appeared, frantically trying to get the device in her ear to work. Turning to the camera she started speaking.

            “Breaking news from San Francisco, not too long ago, there was an odd incident. A young man, around his twenties claimed to have an irregular illness. He was checked into the hospital, but abruptly died a couple of hours later after checking in. But reports say that he came back to life,”

            The expression of the woman reporting darkened, showing an undertone expression of fear. She gulped, while shaking adding the rest of the report.

            “….a-and started to attack the people around him. This is all we currently know right this moment but we will keep you posted on the situation.”

The news faded back into the T.V show, and Robert looks at Susan, his eyes filled with curiosity.

            “Well that’s a bit weird; what do you think that was about?”

She said while getting up to change Exton. Robert’s forehead creased with concentration.

“I’m just as confused as you are.”

The door bell rang; he turned his head to check the clock. It read 4:10, it must be Indio. He opened the door to reveal his son Indio standing on the other side with an excited quality of expression.

            “Hey there”

Indio greeted his dad with a strong hug.

            “Hey kiddo”

Hugging back he stood aside letting Indio in as he closed the door behind him.

            “Have you heard anything on the news?”

Robert asked as his son set his bag on the table.

            “Yeah, you mean about the zombie guy coming back to life and all that?”

He laughed slightly holding out his arms out in front of him, imitating a zombie. Chuckling at his son, he looked at him raising an eyebrow up.


Shrieking was heard; Robert and Indio lashed their heads in the direction of the noise.

Their first thoughts went to Susan. They both looked at each other in a pained expression. They ran to the room she was changing Exton in.


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