Chapter 2

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Once we get off of the plane we head into a taxi to our hotel for the next couple days. As we past by my old home town I look out the window. This city has grown so much since I've last been here. Of course that was 15 ago but still. And I'm 33 now and not 17. Wow I feel old. 

"Mom is this where you grew up?" Alex asks me.

"No, this town is what grew from my town." I look at Eric.

"Remember when this town was just a little thing? So cute and nice and now it's practically a city." He smiles and continues to drive. 

There were more buildings and less corn and bean fields which was nice, more to look at. However it didn't feel like the town I grew up in. It felt like a new city on our travels. We did a lot of traveling since Eric's job took him to new places all of the time. It was nice to get to see our little slice of the world though. Brings back a whole lot of memories, though not many of them good.

"Here we are honey." We pull into a parking lot and park the car. 

"Everyone ready to go?" I ask in a loud voice.

"Yes!" Everyone replies and we all head out of the car. 

Grabbing all of our stuff we head to the lobby of the hotel and check in.

"You must be the Sky's?" The plump lady asks.

"Yes." Eric replies.

"Alrighty then here's your room key and it's 202 floor 4." Her blonde hair gets into her face and she's quick to get it out. 

"Okay thank you." I grab the room key and start walking towards the elevator with everyone else. 

We ride up to the 4th floor and use our key to open room 202. The room was massive. Cream walls made it light up. Two beds with a microwave a stove and a mini fridge. There was a little round table  and a smaller rectangular one I'm guessing for food. The curtains were a light brown and accented it pretty well. 

"Wow." Lani looks in amazement and runs over and hops on one of the beds. 

"Are me and Lani gonna share a bed?" Alex walks over to the white plastic rectangle table and sets down his stuff on it.

"I dunno kiddo, you might." Eric sets down his stuff too.

"Okay so the reunion is tomorrow, did everyone bring decent clothes?"

Lani and Eric shake their heads but I look over at Alex and he's still looking through his pack. I walk over and help him look through it too. 

"Alex what did you do with the outfit I packed you?" I glare at him.

"The one with the grey shirt and jeans?" He looks around nervously.

"Yes, that one. The one I laid on your bed."

"Well I didn't like how it looked so I put it away." The one time he actually puts his clothes away. 

"Ugh Alex, what did you pack for the reunion?"

"I-I I thought I did..." He furiously looks through his pack.

"It's okay, we'll just go to the store up the street and get some new clothes. I've got to get some food for dinner anyway." I grab my credit card. 

"Okay." Alex says.

We both head out to the car and I start the engine. My mind was flustered with with all of the things that could happen at the reunion.

"You excited for tomorrow?" I ask Alex.

"Not really, kind of nervous actually." I give him a quizzical look.

"Why, it's my reunion?" We both laugh.

"Well it's just that I don't make friends that well. So seeing of all these kids that are my age or younger kind of stresses me out." He shrugs.

"I don't blame you Alex, I was like that when I was younger." I sigh. "I got bullied a lot in middle and high school. Then I dropped out and didn't look back. I'm only coming now just to see what all the popular kids back then look like now."

Alex lets out a little laugh before we pull into the store parking lot. He looks over and me.

"Mom, did you have any boyfriends before Dad?" 

"No, no I didn't" We get out and hurry into the store for it had started to rain on our way here.

The doors open for us automatically and we step in. It was just a regular store that was pretty big building.

"Alex if I let you go pick out some clothes for tomorrow can I trust you we'll both meet at cash register... 6?" I ask him.

"Yea." He nods his head and I go over to the food section.


I nod my head and head over to the mens clothes. As I am looking at all of the nice shirts some girls walk over to me. They had on really short skirts and low cut crop tops to show off their cleavage and belly. One was blonde and the other was a brunette. They looked about my age and started to stare.

"Hello." One of them says.

"Oh, hello." I look up just to give them a little smile and then back down to the shirts. 

"What are you looking for pretty boy?" The blonde one asks.

"I'm looking for a nice shirt and some dress pants." I shrug as I move to the next arrangement.

"Oh I'm sure you could go without either." They both giggle.

"Uhh, I'm just trying to shop girls. So if you could I would like to do it alone." I give them a little nod and back to the clothes.

"Oooh how did you get your brown hair to look like that? It looks so nice." The brunette one puts her hand through it.

"Woah no." I grab her hand and shove it away.

"So skinny, do you work out?" The blonde one pulls my shirt to make me almost fall on her.

"Christy he's mine!" The brunette one yells.

"No Mary, he really isn't." 'Christy' answers. 

"Girls, I'm not either of yours, that would be weird." I try to back away but they kept grabbing me. 

"Ladies, lay off. It's obvious that he doesn't want to hook up with either of you. Get off of him." An older boy of maybe seventeen comes to my rescue. 

"Oh buzz killer." The boy gives them one last glare as they let go and walk away.

"Thanks." I say.

"No problem, are you okay?" The boy asks.

"Yea I'm fine, not the first time I've been riled up against like that." I shrug.

"My name is Dallas, but you can call me Dally. What about yours?"

"My name is Alex. Dallas is a cool name." I mumble. 

"So... what are you looking for?" Dallas asks.

"Just some nice clothes, my parents are going to event tomorrow and I have to go." I look at the section I was before the girls came.

"Well then you shouldn't be looking in here." He grabs my arm and leads me towards another section.

He grabs a few shirts and looks at me up and down then nods. He grabs a few pairs of ripped jeans and shoves me into the dressing room. With the clothes in hand I look around just now registering what had happened.

"Try them on Alex." I hear Dallas say.

After taking off my clothes I pick out one of the shirts and pants Dally grabbed and put them on. I look in the mirror and my jaw almost fell out of my face.

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