the Master

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As Rythian went on the prowl he soon encountered a large rabbit. As soon as he got within throwing range the rabbit looked strait at him then continued eating. While it was distracted Rythian threw his rock and with a slight ripple of light two inches away from the rabbit, the rock bounced into the woods. The rabbit looked at him again then started to mutate unlike what happened to his family. When the rabbit reached it's full height Rythian got very offended because the rabbit was more muscular than him.

  When the rabbit started moving toward him a girls voice called out "no!" and multiple blasts of lightning ripped through the rabbit from behind killing it.

  The newcomer looked at the rabbit's remains "the elves will rue the day they sent an immortal rabbit with anger issues!"the girl frowned at Rythian "why did you attack him?"

  Rythian scoweled at the girl "because I need food why else would I attack an immortal death rabbit with more muscles than me!!???"

  "True enough Rythian dimensionweaver, any way we should get back to the tower."
   Rythian staggered back like he had been hit. 

  "What the how in the, who are you?!" Rythian stuttered.

  "Hmm oh I guess I should formerly introduce myself," the girl started floating in the air and lightning snapped and cracked around her "I am Arya Spellbreaker bane of the Crimson  Cult keeper of the Eldritch dimension and you Rythian dimensionweaver are my new apprentice." She landed back on earth and struck a pose.

  "Very well Arya no need for dramatics I accept your offer teach me in the ways of magic."

  "Really that's all it took? I had this whole speech prepared! Way to ruin my fun by agreeing so easily," she started to the east where a large tower lay....

Wizard's apprentice Book 1 The War's Beginning  Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα