Chapter Eight

Começar do início

I was getting off in 5 stops so I had time.

 I coughed and she turned around.

“Do you mind? I aint tryna get my baby sick.” I looked at her. Americans.

“Sorry babes.”

“Babes, tsk.” I smirked as she kissed her teeth.

5 stops later, I stood up and walked down the stairs.

I smiled slightly as I realised she had also. I slowed down as I crossed the road to Damien’s.

“Uhm excuse me, boy! You! Ay you!” I turned around to see the girl holding her child. Looked around 3. With his bag in hand. Cute.

“Can I help you?” I asked looking at the time. Damien would leave any moment now

“Yes, yeah you can. Where’s Pembroke ave?” She asked.

 “Just here, were going the same way. Walk with me boo.” I said while winking. She kissed her teeth.

“I’ve got a man.” She stated.

“I didn’t say anything.”  I said while shrugging.

We crossed the road.

“So whats your name then?” She asked as I rubbed my arm. Theres me thinking it would be hot, it was fricking COLD.

“Josiah. Whats yours?” I asked while looking at her.  Her eyes were nice!

“Emelia- Rosé.  I’ve seen you somewhere. On TV.” I looked at her.

“What where?” I asked. What did I do now?

“But, it was a death picture. So does that mean you faked your death?”  I calmed myself before I lost my temper.

“Don’t piss- Nah I didn’t fake my death. It was a real death. My twin brother actually. You know figure out how to get to your destination yourself...” I kissed my teeth before walking off. I reached Damien’s house and I knocked.

“Long time cuz, come inside.” I stepped in.

“WARMTH!” I shouted.

“Argh allow the shouting Jo. Do you not check the weather before you leave? Rah that sleeve is SICK!” He poked my tattoo and I just nodded.

“Safe, is your mum home?”  I asked while looking around.

“Nah, why whats going on?”

“Argh, do you have her number or something?”

“Yeah.” Just then the door bell went off.

He got up to go get it and I checked my phone.  

Don’t go and see her

It was a text from my dad. I laughed before kissing my teeth. Who did he actually think he was?

Damien walked back in with the baby from before in his hands.

“Who’s that?” I asked.

“My son.” I nodded. Just then the girl from before walked in - Emelia- Rosé.

“So is that your baby mum?” I asked

“Nah, my girl.”

I watched as she screwed me.

“Leaving me out in the cold.” I smirked

“Ay don’t start Emz, here take DJ upstairs.” Damien said before putting his son down. She nodded before kissing his cheek.

Broken Hearted - POSTPONEDOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora