Thor's POV

With both of us breathing heavenly, I finally had Loki in my grasp, making him look at the battle scene.

"Look at this!" I commanded.

"Look around you!" Loki gives a shocked look, although it looked kinda... fake.

"You think this will end with your rule?!"

"It's too late," Loki gasps, "it's too late to stop it."

"No," I say, " we can, together."

Loki has a sympathetic look on his face, but it changes quickly to a mischievous smirk. I then felt pain on my side. Loki had shoved a dagger into my side. (A/N: I honestly have no idea what the little weapon actually is.)

I groan in pain and grab my side, dropping my hammer in the process. I fall onto my knees in pain.

"Sentiment," Loki whispers. Loki stands up straight and looks down at me, just as what he might do if the team and I don't win this glorious battle.

"Maybe I should kill that pathetic lover of yours. Maybe I should kill her just like how her parents died. And I will make sure that you and the other pathetic mortals you call a team watch her death unfold."

I growl at Loki and quickly stand up, ignoring the faint pain, and grab him by the horns of his helmet. Holding on to the helmet, I kick Loki into the stomach, which happens to make him crash into another glass railing and breaking it. Loki tries to get up but I grab him at the base of his stomach and lift him into the air and trow him down, hard.

Suddenly, Loki rolls off the railing. I look down to see if Loki did some sort of trick, because he is not stupid to do something like that with no reason. I see Loki land on one of the Chitauri flying mobiles. I sigh and look out into the city that has now became a battle scene. Right now, Loki is not our main problem. I pull the dagger that Loki had implant me earlier and I look at the tesseract. I walk over to it and examine it. I was taking no risk to try and break it, because the tesseract looks as if nothing can stop it. I walk to where I left it and grabbed it.  I then spun the hammer around and took off flying, looking for my love and my team mates.

Kasey's POV

Cap, Natasha, Clint, and I run behind an almost destroyed cab and hide behind it. Sad, I know. 

"We've got civilians still trapped up here," Clint said. Cap pops his head up to look at the streets that were filled with Chitauri blasting at anything in its path.

"Loki," Cap said, "They're fish in a barrel down there."  A Chitauri pops out of nowhere and shoots at the windshield of the cab, making me shriek in surprise. Nat stands up from behind the cab and pulls out her guns. She starts to shoot at some nearby Chitauri. Clint moves to a different cab and shields himself from there.

As more Chitauri appear, we start to panic a little more. Nat turns to Cap.

"We got this," Nat said referring to Clint, herself, and I. I just gave Cap a "I-did-not-sign-up-for-this-but-oh-well," look.

"It's good go," Nat reassured Cap. Cap turns toward Clint.

"Do you think you can hold them off?"

"Captain," Clint says while setting his bow, "it would be my genuine pleasure." Clint then grabs a arrow and starts shooting it at the Chitauri.

Cap then finally looks toward me.

"Think you will be fine?" a concerned Captain America asks. I nod.

"Yeah, I have my whip, so I can just randomly whip stuff and not feel guilty about it," I said jokingly. (I literally do that when I play games that involve a lot of bad guys. :))  Cap gives me a smile and jumps away from our hiding spot, leaving me to defend myself.

I look around, only to see a dozen Chitauri begin to surround me and aiming their weapons at me. I gulp, this is going to be a loonnnggg day.

A/N: Sorry I had to end it here, I was originally planning to end this chapter further into the fight but it is late and I'm tired. I would have waited to just make this chapter longer and post it tomorrow but I had you guys wait for what? Two weeks? Plus if you read some of my recent messages, I mentioned that I will be posting today, and I just didn't want to disappoint you guys. I noticed that the reads on this story started raising quickly after I announced the message, so I just assumed that you guys were trying to see if I posted or not and I felt bad for it. I'm really sorry for not posting earlier.  I had some writers block and I was very busy with school and my grades have not started out very good this semester, so I was working hard and all. Again, I am sorry for not posting earlier, and having you guys wait for a long while for a new chapter to be up. I just hope that this chapter makes up for it, and I just hope that is as long as you guys like it to be. :) Thank you for reading and please excuse the horrible grammar. Thank you!!

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