Alisha Johnson AKA ghetto

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Chapter 17

I walk to the car with Mario and the 17 year old behind me. She was humming to some song. Mario rolled his eyes while walking to his side.

"Lady, thanks for rescuing me even tho you think I'm weird" she smile at me through the rear view mirror.

"It was nice helping you" I smile back. "Do you have a mom or dad I can bring you to?"

"You mean my foster parents" she said.

"Yeah, do they know you were in there" I ask her.

"Yes they did. They turn around and left me there" she frowned. "Even my baby sister that we have to pick up"

"No! Not another one of y'all" Mario said. We both look at him like wtf.

"You don't want us to stay with you two" she rolled her neck.

"Its not that I don't want y'all to, its just that I have a business to take care of and with you I...."

"I'll take care of her" I told Mario.

"And your sister" I smile at her.

"Thanks lady"she smile so wide. "Hey what's y'all name tho"

"My name is Kaila James" I said pointing to myself.

"Ohhhh. I heard about this girl that was a designer name kailee James"

"That's my sister"I said.

"Omg! You know her. I have to see her" she yelled loudly making Mario mad.

"And this is Mario" I touch his hand. He look at me then back at the road.

"Rude much" the girl said.

"You know what, I'm sick and..."

"Ok how about we learn about you" I said so Mario won't do anything stupid.

"Ok. My name is Alisha Johnson aka ghetto. I'm..."

"Wooooo. Why you call yourself that?" Mario ask.

"Because that's who I am, I'm from Harlem" Alisha said.

"Johnson" Mario mumble.

"What" I look at him.

"What was your father name?"

"Derrick, but people called him big snake"

"Big snake. Is he still alive?"

"I don't know Mario. I never saw him in so long. Since I was five" she frowned.

"Listen let's just go pick up your sister"I said. She smile at me and sat back.


I was nice what Kaila doing. She adopted this fucking teen and this other girl to my home. I'm not mad tho. But I just want us to be alone. Me and her.

We finally made it to the house where Alisha stayed with her foster parents. I walk slowly inside the apartments where men was selling drugs, playing dice, and talking some dumb shit.

They all stop and look at Alisha and Kaila. I gave them a mean mug so they know that she with someone.

"Here it is" Alisha smile while grabbing her keys from her pocket. She open the door to the small apartment to see her Lil sister eating out of a bowl. "Alicia, where is mom and dad" she said grabbing her.

I walk to the back where the rooms was to see her parents knock out. I walk a bit closer to see they was knock out from a drug. I look closer at the drug seeing my logo. "Damn" I mumble looking back to see if kaila was coming. I press my finger on the woman neck.

No pulse. "Shit" I rub my face. I took my drugs, some other stuff and walk out.

"Uhhh, you ready" I ask them.

"Yeah" Alisha said.

"Wait, don't you want to say goodbye to your parents" kaila said.

"Nooo"Alisha and I said in unison.

"They will tell the police" Alisha said. Kaila nod her head caring their bags. I sigh thinking God they didn't went in that room.

"Let's go" I walk out the apartment with them following me.

I hope someone don't go in that apartment. It will happen one day.

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