It all happened too fast. Too damn fast for Jimin's surprised eyes. One second he was holding the ticket, then the next thing he knew, Yoongi was already tearing it apart, tearing it apart. He didn't even remember Yoongi grabbing the damn thing!

The younger's eyes widened even more as he stared at his former boss ripping apart the innocent piece of paper.


Then it happened so fast again. Why did everything happen too fast? One second he was just standing there, the next thing he knew, Yoongi was already dragging him out of the airport. The more questionable thing was, Jimin's feet obligingly moved, letting the older boy bring him wherever he wanted.

"H-hyung... W-where are you-"

"Shut up," was Yoongi's harsh reply.

Once they were outside the airport, Yoongi all but shoved Jimin into a waiting taxi and curtly instructed the driver to drive to his address.

To say the least, Jimin was still in shock.

Umm, what was happening again?

Oh yes, he was kidnapped by Yoongi.

Uh, okay.


Oka- WHAT?!

"Hyung! What are you doing?" Was Jimin's sudden hysterical cry after being silent for a whole five minutes.

"Stopping you from doing something dumb, what else?"

"B-but hyung..."

"Jimin," Yoongi said, voice serious now as he stared at Jimin's soul. "Why?"

Jimin blinked. Why?

"Why?" Jimin repeated the question dumbly, eyes confused. Yoongi's question was too general it could mean anything.

"Why did you suddenly start acting weird? Why did you start acting like there's nothing between us? Why the fuck did you choose Daesuk over me? Why did you decide to go to America and why in the name of shit didn't you tell me about that?!"

Jimin was silent, processing all the words into his mind. His heart was racing and his mouth had gone dry. His hyung... He had hurt his hyung.

Jimin was stupid.

"Jimin, look, I understand that maybe you're not comfortable because of all this fucked up stuff between us but you should've at least told me that you're leaving. I mean...we're friends, aren't we?" Yoongi's voice was now bordering to desperate.


And Jimin wanted, really wanted, to say that yes, he was Yoongi's friend. Damn, he even wanted something more. He wanted to tell Yoongi that it was not him, that nothing was wrong with him, that it was all Jimin. He so wanted to tell Yoongi that he did not and would never choose Daesuk over him. And mostly, he wanted to tell Yoongi how Jimin didn't deserve him.

But all those words were choked up inside his throat, making it harder to breathe.

Yoongi sighed, upon receiving no answer from the younger. He looked away. "You don't feel the same, I know. It's just...we could at least be friends."

And it sounded very wrong.

"No, hyung!" Jimin suddenly exclaimed, not even realizing it. Well, he had no choice now, better yet spill the beans.

Jimin breathed deeply before speaking. "Hyung... I... Aish! I- I like you, okay?! Damn it, I like how your eyes look so mischievous but I also think that you look so hot when you glare. I like how handsome your smile can be, but I also like how cute you are when you smile and laugh so much that your gums show. I feel like shivering whenever I hear your deep voice and maybe I'm crazy because I get turned on when I hear your cold tone. I can't help but stare when you're biting your lower lip in concentration or when you're peacefully sleeping. I think that you're so smart and secretly kind and really talented and so so damn hot," Jimin blurted out in a rush, feeling his face heating. "And uh, Daesuk is just a friend, nothing else," he added lamely.

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