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17 years ago

There was a knock at the front door. The knock echoed throughout the empty mansion that it awoke Zane Moon, a billionaire and the owner of Dark city's biggest company Moonside. When Zane made his way to the door he found a small boy laying in a basket, asleep. Next to the boy was a letter with the name Malcolm written in red ink. Zane picked up the letter and he began to read it.

Take care of my child, he is more important than anyone can ever imagine -Akasa Rivers

Zane Moon put down the letter and picked up the boy. It was at that moment that Malcolm opened his eyes, they were blue like the vast and untamed ocean. The first thing the boy did when he saw Zane was smile a big gummy smile. Zane Moon smiled and he decided to raise the boy.

9 years later

Malcolm Moon was walking down the streets of Dark City alone at dusk. Mr Moon had taught Malcolm how to defend himself in the situation that Malcolm was forced to fight, Malcolm however hated violence as he saw it every day at middle school (he skipped a few grades).
While he was walking by an elderly woman he saw someone walking extremely fast take the woman's purse. The thief then broke out in a sprint down the street while the woman cried for help. Acting on instinct Malcolm chased after the thief and cornered him in an alleyway behind a corner store. The thief laughed when he saw that Malcolm was all alone and said that a snot nosed kid wouldn't be able to stop him.
Malcolm wasn't sure what the thief meant, sure crime here was a problem with the lack of policemen and the ones that were there had no interstate in fighting crime but a thief like the one infront of Malcolm wouldn't be too much of a problem, would he. With all the courage he could manage Malcolm walked closer to the thief. The thief broke out in a laughing fit.

"You brat! Don't you know who I am?!" the thief then began to grow in size and Malcolm saw him change and warp until what stood before him was an ogre

The Ogre ran at Malcolm but do years of training Malcolm was able to keep his cool and he dodged the ogre and the ogre hit a solid brick wall. Slowly, Malcolm picked up a sharp stone and readied it in his hand as he waited for the monsters next move. When the ogre freed himself and dared to face the 'snot nosed kid' did Malcolm throw the stone with all of his might. The rock hit bone and the ogre fell to the ground bleeding and covering his head where Malcolm had hit him.

"I can't believe you were able to hurt me!" the ogre yelled between curses that he threw at Malcolm.

It was the mixture of the smell of blood and the ogres swearing that made anger boil within Malcolm. He had never faced this hunger was 1,000 times stronger than a simple craving it was lust. The lust for blood. Malcolm felt something within him snap...something primal.
Fangs shot out from his mouth and his fingernails grew to claws. His normally peaceful soul was replaced by a heartless monster. What was standing before the ogre was no longer Malcolm Moon but a Vampire.

"You frail thing." spoke the vampire "You talk big but you are not worth my time."

The ogre was petrified as he saw Malcolm walk towards him with a homicidal look radiating from him "D-D-Do you even have a heart you soulless beast!"

Malcolm smiled and replied "An artifice of a soul dwells within me." he then placed his right hand on the ogre and with his sharp claws swiped down ward and felt glee when he heard the monsters screams, Malcom's eyes turned from blue to yellow and they had slits for pupils "Now how about you run away and remember this for the rest of your pathetic life or I kill you right here and NOW!" Malcolm said to the ogre.

The ogre transformed back into a man and ran away from Malcolm. He left behind the woman's purse. Malcolm was about to go after him when he smelled blood. He looked down at his hands and the vampire vanished and Malcolm Moon stood there horrified at what he'd done. Malcolm cleaned his hands in a nearby puddle and returned the purse to the old woman. That night Malcolm was too afraid to sleep, afraid of the demon that was within.
There was a knock at the door.
Malcolm opened the door and lying on the ground was a box with a silver crucifix in the center of it. A note was next to the crucifix.

            Wear this to surprise your blood. Do.        not fear what you are as you are the only one who can protect this city from the night.

With shaking hands Malcolm put the crucifix around his neck and felt as though a hundred pounds was lifted off of his shoulders. After a few days the stench of blood left Malcolm hands and Malcolm was back to his normal self again. Day after day as Malcolm walked the streets he saw monsters in hiding as they planned to attack. Every morning there was something in the news about someone being attacked or robbed,that day Malcolm planned to do something about it.
When night fell Malcolm put on some thick gloves and a hockey mask and went to the docks where he overheard some monsters talk about transporting a drug out of town. Heroine.
There were three of them and Malcolm waited in the dark for one of them to walk by. A lizard man passed him and Malcolm quickly grabbed him and knocked him out. Malcolm then grabbed the gun that the lizard man had and walked over to the other two lizard men.
They laughed when they saw him but realized that the masked person meant business when he pointed the gun at the two lizard men. The shorter of the two lizard ran at Malcolm and thinking quickly Malcolm pulled the trigger and shot the lizards man's knee making him unable to fight. Malcolm then gave chase to the final lizard man who tried to escape from him and through years of accuracy training shot the lizard man twice. Both shots hit his knees and he transformed back into human form.

"W-w-who are you?" he asked Malcolm.

"I'm Midknight." Malcolm answered and then knocked out the lizard men.

The police were curious when they found three of the most infamous smugglers of Dark City tied up in front of the docks. According to the criminals they were attacked and knocked out by a masked vigilante who calls himself Midknight. With the smugglers was also a sign that said "Do your job or else" a message from Midknight to the police force threatening them to do a better job. The citizens of Dark City cheer the name of Midknight as the masked man who stood up to crime when no one else will. He truly is a hero.

Midknight, the story of Malcolm Where stories live. Discover now