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A rogue Crossroads demon ran through the streets of Star City in the middle of the night, like he was being chased. He was almost out of the city when a Black Arrow pierced his leg. A figure dressed in black tactical gear, black hood and mask that covered the bottom half of his face and nose. The figure had a black compound bow and a quiver with black arrows strapped on his back. The figure walked over to the crippled demon.

Demon: Please! I swear I didn't mean to.

Figure: You illegally took souls from people without making deals!

Demon: I don't care what you do to me! The king is worse.

Crowley the king of hell appeared in front of the demon.

Crowley: You're so right.

Demon: My King. I...was going to deliver those souls to you I swear!

Crowley: Course you were, But my associate was right, that cannot go unpunished. So will you please kill him.

Before the Demon could escape its vessel The Figure shot an angel arrow into the Demons eye killing it. The Figure pulled down his hood and removed his mask to reveal Oliver Queen.

Crowley: You've done well since I recruited you three months Oliver.

Oliver: Oliver Queen is alive but only in the past, he is forgotten.

Crowley: Oh Right, right your.....what was it? Al-Sahim yes. Now we have an even bigger problem. A new Darkness is rising and this city is one of the most high powered places in the world where magic flows through, we need to be ready.

Al-Sahim: I will be ready.

Crowley: Good, We have work to do.

IN THE ARROW CAVE..........................

Felicity didn't even realise it was three am when John walked into the cave.

John: Shouldn't you be home sleeping?

Felicity: I don't know what that word means anymore.

John: Felicity.

Felicity: It's been three months Dig and no sign of him. I mean, He gets a stab to the heart and dies and then all of a sudden he's gone. The recruits are out there twenty four seven, A not dead Tommy is currently in a jail cell downstairs and you are still a registered wanted fugitive. I don't know what to do.

John: Hey, We are gonna find him, we will.

Felicity: We can only hope. How's Thea doing as the new mayor?

John: I'm surprised she hasn't run for the hills yet.

Felicity: She's not bad at it.

John: I mean look at us, Meta-humans, Magic, Aliens and now a missing friend.

Felicity: There has to be a way for us to find him.

John: there will be.  

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