4. This Is Going to Hurt

Start from the beginning

“It worked,” Scott winces, softly touching the newly made tattoo on his arm. The two black rings a stark contrast to his perfectly tanned skin.

“Well, it looks pretty damn permanent now.”

“Yeah, I kind of needed something permanent,” Scott gets up from the chair and stretches his arms out above his head. “Everything that's happened to us everything just changes so fast. Everything's so--, Ephemeral.”

“Studying for the PSAT's?” I laugh, noticing Scott’s unusual use of vocabulary.


I snort, “Nice.”

Scott and I walk towards the front door, ready to get the hell out of here. Any time spent with Derek is way too much time in my opinion. Before we reach the porch, Scott stops suddenly, causing me to collide into his back. He curiously stares at the front door, running his fingertips over the surface.

“You painted the door,” he finally says, turning to look at Derek. “Why'd you paint the door?”

“Go home, Scott,” Derek warns, striding over to the door.

“And why only one side?” Scott continues as he lets his wolf claws grow from his nail beds.

“Scott,” Derek warns once again, but before he could take another step towards us, Scott begins slashing up the door paint with his claws. After a few seconds of paint stripping and some snarling on Scott’s part, a symbol is revealed from behind the paint.

“The birds at school and the deer last night…just like the night I got trampled by the deer when I got bit by the Alpha,” Scott murmurs, his nostrils beginning to flare incomprehension of what is going on once again in Beacon Hills. “How many are there?”

“A pack of them,” Derek sighs, his jaw clenching in frustration, most likely upset that Scott figured out about the pack. “An Alpha pack.”

“All of them are alphas?” I ask, still reeling in shock at the new development. “How does that even work?”

“I hear there's some kind of a leader,” Derek glares at me, clearly pissed about me being a part of this as well. “He's called Deucalion.”

“We know they have Boyd and Erica. Peter, Isaac, and I have been looking for him for the last four months,” he continues, letting us know what they had all been up to this summer. It’s so nice to know that while we were all sitting on our butts relaxing and trying to enjoy our time, things were still as bad as ever.

“Let's say you find them,” Scott crosses his arms, showing that he is ready to take on whatever is going to be thrown at us. “How do you deal with an Alpha pack?”

“With all the help I can get,” Derek says. He then turns away, dismissing us from his house.

Scott grumbles to himself and makes his way down the steps of Derek’s old house. Hearing this new information must have really ticked him off. We had been so caught up in ourselves the past few weeks that we didn’t see the danger that was lurking near us. I couldn’t help but feel bad for Boyd and Erica, even though the last time I had seen them we still weren’t the best of pals. Hopefully we can still have a couple more days of peace before all hell breaks loose.

We make quick time to my Jeep and climb in. Tonight we are going to Heather’s party. She was a great friend of mine a few years back and had invited us to her birthday. I hadn’t seen her in a few years but I was kind of excited, hoping that this could take my mind off of Lydia and our non-existent relationship status.

We reach her house in about fifteen minutes and I jump out of the Jeep, ready to get the party started. Looking over at Scott, I notice that his expression is one of annoyance.

Through The Dark [Stiles Stilinski]Where stories live. Discover now