Chapter two

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Today's the day I'm meeting my dad and I'm super nervous. I'm running around in my room trying to find something to wear. I've gone through my whole closet almost and still nothing that is good enough.

" Angel the first five hundred outfits were fine. Why do you keep changing?" Cody asks

" That's just it they were fine. I don't want an outfit that's fine I want an outfit that will make him proud to call me his daughter." I say digging through my closet 

" Why don't you wear that red dress that is see through on the top. You look amazing in it." He  says

" Are you sure? You don't think it's to much?" I ask

" Angel nothing you own is to much. You need to be a little dressy because your going to a art gallery that's opening a new exhibit. If you don't feel comfortable just put on black leggings under it. I know you like wearing boots so if you have leggings on underneath it it would look good with it." He says

I look in my closet for the dress he's talking about, changes into the dress and leggings and looks in the mirror.

" Yeah I think will be perfect. You sure your not secretly a fashion major?" I ask him giggling

" Oh you got me." He says laughing 

I look around for my heart necklace and I put it on and sits down at my vanity table and starts doing my hair and makeup. I decide to curl my hair slightly and put on red lipstick and glittery eye shadow and winged eyeliner. When I'm done I grab two red bows and puts them on Sandy one for each of her ears.

" What you think?" I ask him

" Beautiful. Both of you are." He says smiling

" I can't believe I'm meeting my dad today." I say laughing nervously 

" You better start believing because you have to leave in ten minutes." He says

" Ten minutes?!" I say getting really nervous

I hurry up and get my shoes on and make sure I have everything. When I am sure me Sandy and Cody go downstairs.

" Mom mom I have to go now." I call out for her

" Hold on let me get a picture." She says running into the room with my camera.

" Mom mom I have to go." I say groaning 

" It's only three minutes away I think you can live through a picture." She says

" Fine but just one." I say

She takes a picture of me and Sandy then puts it in the carrying case and hands it to me.

" Good luck Angel." Cody says 

" Thanks I might need it." I say giggling

Me,Sandy and mom mom get into her car and she drives me to the gallery. I can't help but tap my nails against the door during the car ride.

" Angel we're here." She says as she parks

I look out the window and see my dad.

" Oh my god there he is." I say 

" Go and talk to him." She says 

" That is what you are here for." She finishes

" Why do you have to be right. I hate when your right." I say

" Just doing my job." She says

I take a deep breath.

" Here I go." I say 

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