Chapter 9 ~ Culpae Poenae Par Esto

Start from the beginning

"Thank you," he smiled.

"But don't be too proud, I once beat him too," she said with a mischievous glow in her chestnut brown eyes.

"You did?"

"Yep. He takes a bit longer to defend his left side than he does with his right one. Not from much, so you have to be really swift," she whispered before she highlighted, "and well trained."

Kyle snorted and laughed. "Thanks for the tip. Jill?"


"Has he trained you a lot?"

Jill thought for a second and unconsciously reached for the small silver necklace around her neck. "After what happened last year, with Aaron and everything, and also when you left, he changed a bit. I don't know how to explain it but he acted more on his own. Of course he kept sending us on missions for him, but he liked to take care of the most dangerous on his own. There is a rumor going round that he was helped by the Bat's allies, exactly like during the gang war when Nightwing and all the others showed up." Kyle said nothing but kept listening to her while she was still playing with the necklace's chain. "At the same moment, I had troubles with my family. My little brother was sent to jail because he has been caught in the middle of a hold-up on a small grocery shop not far from where my family lives."

"I'm sorry."

"I've never been really close to my brothers, you know? All four of them were jealous because I was a good student and was always bringing home good grades while they were constantly making troubles... They were all bullies except for my little brother because I was trying to protect him from their influence." She stopped playing with her necklace and her sight drifted away. "One day, last year, the oldest of my big brother showed up at home after being absent for over three years, all buff and covered in tattoos, and grabbed my little brother by the arm. He was twelve and was working really hard at school because he wanted to be a vet..." She laughed lightly but Kyle noticed the small tear that had formed itself in the corner of her eye. "My big brother wanted to introduce him to his so-called friends so I tried to step in and stop him. I just wanted him to have a future, not like the rest of us, y'know?"

"Yeah..." Kyle briefly put his hand on her shoulder.

"Zac and I started to shout at each other. He wanted Ethan to come with him while I wanted to protect him. Ethan kept telling my mom he wanted to be like me when he grew up. He thought I was in college and that's why I wasn't home often anymore..." She couldn't hold the tear anymore and it rolled slowly on her cheek, leaving a wet trail behind it, and was quickly followed by another "But Zac knew my real 'job' and he told him everything... Ethan couldn't believe it but then Zac grabbed my jacket and found this wristband in my pocket. All the girls of the gang have it and Hood is forcing us to wear it." Kyle studied the wristband. It was rather discreet and yet, one could hardly miss it. It was made out of brown leather and had a tiny red bat in the middle.

"He gave it to all of you? Why?"

Jill shrugged. "He said it's a warning for all the guys who would try to mug us in Gotham. If a girl wears one of those and a dude tries to do anything to her, he can be sure Hood will personally take care of him as soon as he would be aware of what happened. I was used to remove it every time I came back home and put it in my jacket. Only Zac knew about the fact that I had joined Hood's gang so he revealed it to everyone this day. I was so angry. I pounced on him and hit him but I quickly understood that I wasn't strong enough to face my own brother. I couldn't resolve myself to hit him even though he clearly was. Though, before it turned into a bloodbath, Ethan stopped Zac and looked at me. I could see all the violence of his anger in his eyes. It was terrifying, Kyle." Her voice cracked, "he glared at me and from all of his twelve years of age and he hissed at me to leave and never come back home..."

Revenge (Batfamily) - Sequel to Brother In ArmsWhere stories live. Discover now