Chapter 8 ~ Chicago

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So I wrote everything again this morning on a Word Document (looking at you Wattpad) to be sure I won't lose this chapter again. I hope you'll enjoy it :)

It had already been four hours that Tim had been driving in direction of Chicago. He had turned on a radio station that was always playing a diversity of songs from all categories but he wasn't paying attention to any of them. It was only creating some sort of presence in the car.

Little did he know that his little brother was in his car's trunk.

Damian had fallen asleep approximately one hour after they had left Gotham, lulled by the soft yet powerful sound of the Focus' engine and the songs that were played by the radio. The young boy had put his head on Dick's old backpack and the fact that he was somehow comfortably curled up in the narrow trunk turned his eyelids to become heavier with each minutes that passed. At last, his sleepy state got the upper hand on him and he couldn't resist anymore, he fell sound asleep.

However, his instinct woke him up as soon as the Focus stopped moving and its engine was turned off. Damian briefly wondered if he had slept through the seven hours drive that was separating Gotham from Chicago. He heard someone moving and sighing at the front of the car. Right after, he perceived the clicking sound of the driver's door being opened and closed soon after.

Damian froze in the trunk. He held his breath as he heard footsteps around the car. He heard Tim filling up the cars with gas, waiting, then removing the nozzle and putting it back on the gas pump.

Then a silence.

Damian listened carefully when all of a sudden, the trunk was opened. He heard a scream then the trunk was slammed closed again. The car was started up and moved a few meters away, on a nearly empty parking lot only to get its trunk opened again.

"What the hell are you doing here, Damian?!"

"And what the hell were you doing, Drake?!"

Tim frowned briefly before he slammed his hand against the trunk. "Why are you in my trunk?!"

Damian struggled to sit down in the narrow space he had and looked at Tim. "I followed you." His brother opened his mouth to answer but Damian spoke first. "You sneaked out during the night! That's Todd's style, not yours! I wanted to see where you were going!"

Tim's blue eyes narrowed. "So you spent four hours confined in my trunk?!"

"You are a terrible driver, by the way."

"Just answer the goddamn question!" Tim was losing the little amount of patience he had left so Damian just sighed.

"Yes, I did. As I already said, I wanted to know where you were going."

"But... why?!"

Damian frowned for a second, trying to find an actual reason why he had spent four hours trapped in such a narrow trunk just to know where Tim was going. He unconsciously looked to the upper left and cursed himself for doing so for he knew Tim would notice he was about to lie. He shook his head and sighed. "I don't know."

Tim raked his hand through his hair and crossed his arms as he slightly walked away, allowing Damian to get out of the trunk. The young boy stretched and heard his spine pop loudly.

"Your car is not comfortable."

"Yeah right, excuse me for not having a five stars trunk."

"Tt." Damian stared at his big brother. "So... Where were you going?"

Revenge (Batfamily) - Sequel to Brother In ArmsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang