"I don't know," she sang, "If he was straight before, dating you would require a huge change."

As soon as she said it, I knew she was right. I knew that on more than one level, Bobby had changed a lot. It wasn't just the sudden gayness: he wasn't as much of an asshole anymore (which I didn't think was possible), and he was actually becoming more concerned with others.

The night of the fight—after I had cried and we were settled on the couch—he broke the hour long silence by saying, "I wonder if Megan's doing what you did for me."

I was laying against his chest, so I had to turn to face him as I said, "What?"

"You know," he smirked, "Playing nurse."

"My mom's a nurse, Bobby. I'm not playing nurse," I chuckled and turned around again.

We sat there for a few more seconds before he mumbled, "I hope she's okay. Murphy's an ass, she doesn't deserve that in her life."

After that, I had left it alone. I had thought it was just the situation playing on his soft spot for Megan, but thinking about it, it seemed different. Bobby seemed different. It made sense, since he was constantly surprising me with the things he did.

"Right," I told her, "Huge."


My hand moved at its own accord, creating something my conscious mind couldn't fully comprehend just yet. I was sketching, letting my mind and body go to places I'd never dare venture, creating something I could never do on my own. I needed the hands, the vision, the dream. I was not working alone in creating this sketch.

My entire process was interrupted by a gentle tap on my window. I snapped out of my drawing state and found myself staring at a half-finished sketch of a couple hugging in the rain.

I shook my head, looking towards my window.

It was eerily quiet for a few more seconds before another tap penetrated the silence.

I quickly got up and drew my curtains to see a shadowy figure below my window, throwing pebbles. I looked closer to see a head of shiny golden hair reflecting the light of the half moon in the sky.

Bobby, I thought.

I sighed and opened the window. I hissed at him, "Do you realize how late it is? Why aren't you home?"

I couldn't see the smirk on his face, but I knew it was there.

"I snuck out."

"Obviously," I hissed back, hoping he could see my eye roll from where he was, "Just wait by the door."

I closed my window and hurriedly snuck down the stairs to let Bobby in.

I opened the door for his tall frame, a warm-looking leather jacket hugging his broad shoulders.

"Hey," he smiled at me, which made butterflies magically appear and annoy the shit out of my stomach.

"Hi," I said while approaching him for a hug. He wrapped his arms around me with careful movement, like he knew exactly how to hold me. It made me feel like the most important person in the world.

We ended up in my room, where he sat on my bed and took off his boots. I sat back at my desk and turned my chair to face him. He reclined on my bed before I began talking, "What are you doing here so late?"

"I honestly could not go an entire day without seeing you at least once. I was going crazy. The whole call just wasn't enough."

I picked up my phone and checked the time, which read 11:52.

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