chapter 51

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We finished up our show and once we were back in the dressing rooms I was pacing back and forth. What am I going to do cole knows nothing about what he did to me or how he's trying to weasle his way back in my life I mean its not going to work obviously but Cole will think differently once he knows I've hid this from him. Oh my lanta what am I going to do.
D- you need to calm down
Chey- seriously sis breathe before you have an anxiety attack
L- you're right you're right its just what am I going to do
D- don't worry we got this ok I have a plan just relax ok come with me chey
Dees p.o.v
Chey- so what's the plan
D- I don't know
Chey- what do you mean you don't know you just said
D- I know what I just said I'm trying to help and you're usually good at coming up with plans so I thought you could think up something quick
Chey- ughhhhhhhh
D- sorryyyy
Chey- you're lucky I love you
D- yay I love you too
We looked out from behind the curtains and saw the guys still here obviously but I saw Eric was here as well.
Chey- I'll distract the guys you get Eric out of here I don't care what it takes just do it
D- alright
And with that we headed out to the front
D- hi thank you so much for coming hope you enjoyed the show now bye bye
The whole time I was talking with him I was slightly dragging him out
Eric- why are you forcing me out
D- cause you don't need to be here Eric
E- you know who I am(smirking)
D- duh I know you're the little weasle who hurt my best friend and now thinks he has a shot with her but you're dead wrong now wipe that stupid smirk off your face before I do it for you
E- you seem so nice in the interviews and ustreams man was I wrong
D- don't care just leave
E- what if I don't
D- should I call security and say you are trying to harass us
E- no
D- then leave
And surprisingly he did I sighed in relief and turned around and saw everyone coming outside.
G- you ok babe
D- mhmm
I looked at Lauren and she mouthed thank you and I nodded and smiled at her. We got on the bus and Gabe drove now and I watched as Lauren and cole curled up and watched something on his phone and David was sound asleep. Me and chey went in the back where our bunks were and talked about the whole thing and praying that he never shows his face again. I hope our wishes our true.

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