chapter 2

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We kept having a good time dancing around to different IM5 songs when it suddenly clicked with me that Saturday was only a day away. Meaning we only had a day to prepare. I stopped dancing and just sat on my bed with a blank look on my face.
D- Lauren what's wrong
L- do you guys realize how close Saturday actually is
D- I do now
Chey- we have time
D- sis Saturday is the day after tomorrow
Chey- ohh that's right today is Thursday
L- uh huh
Chey- I'm still sure we have time
D- well its good you think that considering you go first
Chey- oh yeah I do
That seemed to worry chey.
D- what song are we even supposed to sing
L- it says the star spangled banner
Chey- ok well we all know that so were going to be fine
L- what if I end up going through what cole did
D- you won't
Chey- now quit playing the what if game
L- but
D- no butts either
L- ok
D- we need you happy again
Chey- I'm on it
L- huh
Soon chey turned my computer and I saw she went on Google and typed in cole pendery so I was faced with millions of pictures of him and I saw one of him smile which made me smile immediately
L- ok you got lucky with that
D- I was expecting her to pull up a shirtless pic of him
Chey- I thought we were making her smile not die
D- you got a point
L- I love you girls
D- I love you too
Chey- I love you too
We did a group hug then went downstairs to look for something to snack on.
Chey- why don't you ever have nutella
L- cause no one has tried so no one buys it and when I have money it doesn't cross my mind
She shook her head in disappointment at me but I just laughed. I continued to look through the cupboards and everything but not finding anything
L- poo
D- nothing
L- nope
Chey- dang
D-trip to the store?
L- you read my mind
Chey- so I'm the psychic and she's the mind reader what does that make you
L- the one who hasn't discovered her powers yet
D- that works
Chey- yup
I went to my moms room and got the card from her and of course a list as well. I grabbed the keys of the table by the door
L- let's go
-skip grocery store-
We put everything but what we planned to eat away then went back to my room and watched movies.
D- I should get home see you both tomorrow
Chey- same and same
L- haha ok I'll walk you out
I said bye to them and gave them hugs then I gave my mom her card back before I forgot and then I got ready for bed.

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