Chapter 32

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Cheys p.o.v
I woke up and saw lauren typing away on her phone.
Chey- watcha doing sis
L- writing
Chey- update on your fan fiction or songs
L- songs
Chey- awesome let me see
L- not yet
Chey- what why
L- I'm not done and besides there's more than just one for you to see
Chey- how long have you been awake then
L- maybe an hour
Chey- is everything ok
L- yeah I slept great I just happened to wake up early that's all
Chey- alright
D- I love you both but can you please do you're talking out there you know where I'm not trying to sleep
L- haha sure
Chey- haha sorry sis
D- mhmmm
We laughed and left the tent and went and sat on the rocks on the side.
Chey- so you done yet
L- not yet miss impatient
Chey- sorry
L- haha it's ok
I got off the rock and decided to go for a walk since the guys were all asleep still. I was walking around for a while then noticed not only did I not know where I was but I left my phone in the tent. Oh boy this isn't going to end well.
Laurens p.o.v
I finished the last song I was working on and noticed no one else was outside yet. So I just decided to stay where I was cause someone has to wake up eventually. I was right soon enough they were all awake and outside with me as time went on I started worrying about chey since she still wasn't back. I called her and texted her a couple times.
Dana- still nothing?
L- nope
D- I'll try
She walked to the tent to grab her phone.
D- figured out why she's not answering
Dal- why
D- her phone is in the tent
Dav- so you're saying we have no way to know where she is or if she's even ok
D- looks that way
Dav- no no this isn't ok we gotta do something I'm not sitting by while my girl is out there in who knows where
We all just looked at him
Dav- what
L- your girl
Dav- I uh I mean
D- busted
Dana- do you have a crush on her
Dav- yeah I kinda do
W- aww that's cute
Dal- you guys would be a cute couple
Dav- thanks but can we please do something
C- of course
G- we can split up make sure one of you have a phone on you tho and we will go and look for her
Dav- thanks guys
Dana- no problem now let's go
We all left and after a little bit of walking I heard singing and it was Chey so me and cole took off running.
L- sis are you alright
I hugged her tight
Chey- I'm alright
Cole was on the phone while we hugged. Soon enough everyone met up with us
Dana- girl why did you leave without your phone
Chey- I thought I had it my bad
D- don't make her feel bad it was an honest mistake
L- exactly
Chey- thanks girls
L- you're welcome
D- you know we always have your back
L- exactly
Dal- anyways David why don't you make sure she gets back safely
Dana- yeah and you know just talk while you walk
W- enjoy each others company
Chey- am I missing something
Dav- kinda
Chey- well can you please explain
Dav- they all just need to shoo
Everyone- were going
Cheys p.o.v
They all walked away and I was soon left alone with David.
Chey- soooo
Dav- well we were worried about you and I went on a rant and called you my girl
Chey- I see. So what were they teasing you or something
Dav- not exactly
Chey- then what
Dav- they want me to make a move like now I guess
Chey- oh
Dav- so that's what I'm doing. Cheyenne I really like you I always did like I felt a connection with you the day we first met I was just worried you wouldn't feel the same
Chey- really
Dav- yeah but I don't want to hide it anymore I want to be happy and you can make me happy I know it. So will you like to be my girlfriend.
Chey- I would love to be your girlfriend David
Dav- awesome
I giggled as he picked me up and spun me then wrapped his arm around me as we got back to the spot.
D- awwww
L- you guys are so cuteeee
Chey- thank youuuuuu
C- why is everything exaggerated right now
Girls- why not
Dal- owned
C- oh hush
This is turning out to be the best day ever.

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