Unexpected Cook

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Shourya PoV:

I went to the kitchen and prepared Diya's favourite food. I knew her favourites as I stolen her dairy in the college days. I knew every little thing about her.

I prepared vegetable biryani, mixed vegetable curry, raita, gulab jamoon and fruit salad. I sent it through constable asking him to say that lunch was brought from a restaurant. I sneaked upon her to know whether she liked the food or not.

"Madam, lunch for you," the constable said.

Diya looked at the food tray and smiled seeing the items. She took the first bite of the food.

"Wow! It's scrumptious. Who prepared this?" Diya said.

"We ordered it from a restaurant, madam," the constable said.

Constable went off and I looked at Diya. I smiled seeing her enjoying the food. I went to the station after having the1 lunch.

Diya PoV:

I had the best food after many years. Staying in a hostel and focusing on the work made me lifeless and emotionless. Shourya and mom are bringing me back to life. I remembered my bitter past. No, I shouldn't develop attachment with this family. Without Shourya's acceptance, I can't stay here forever.

Mom returned home in the evening. We were chit chatting about the profession and family.

"Mom, breakfast you prepared was really awesome," I said.

"I didn't prepare breakfast. I went to the temple early in the morning," mom said.

"What? Then who prepared it? It's very tasty."

"May be Shourya prepared the breakfast. Cook is also on leave today."

"Does Shourya know cooking?"

"Of course, Shourya knows cooking. Cooking is his hobby. Shourya prepared the lunch too" mom said and I opened my mouth wide.

I saw Shourya standing at the door smiling at my expression. Mom turned towards him.

"Shourya, didn't you say to your wife that you know cooking?"

Shourya came inside and took the waterbottle.

"I have already told to her, mom," Shourya said and drank water.

Shourya told, but I didn't believe.

"Go and get fresh. I have some work," mom said and left us both alone in the room.

"Can you please bring a coffee for me, if you don't mind? Cook is on leave," Shourya said.

Coffee? Is he asking me? Few scenes from the past blurred before my eyes making my eyes wet.

"Are you ok, Diya? It's ok. I will prepare the coffee. I am a bit tired as I went on the field because of some case, so I asked you," Shourya said, patting on my shoulder.

"No, Shourya. I am fine. I will bring the coffee," I said and brought coffee for him.

Shourya is studying file of a case.

"Coffee," I said.

"Shourya, please take a rest as you are tired," I said averting my gaze from him.

I am leaving, but he held my wrist.

"Is anything bothering you, Diya? Your eyes are red and you look upset,"  Shourya said.

His voice filled with concern and eyes are showing unknown feeling which can be assumed by me as love. However, I am sure he didn't love me.

Shourya stood up and looked into my eyes. I looked into his eyes for a few minutes and then unknowingly I hugged him. Then I feared thinking Shourya may shout at me. But he caressed my hairs making me feel comfortable in his hug.

After sometime, I broke the hug.

"I am sorry," I said.

"It's ok. We can't be a couple, but we can atleast be good friends," Shourya said.

At night, I laid on the bed to sleep.

"Diya, a small request. Please don't go out at night alone. Wake me up, if you need to go."

"But.... "

"Don't worry, it will be a secret. I just asked you not to go alone because it's not safe to go alone to those criminals. You should be careful," Shourya slept saying that to me.

The next morning, I went to the office as I can't stay away from work and office atleast for a day. Assitant Director called me to his cabin and said an IAS officer committed suicide at his home today. Ranveer is a suspect in the case.

IAS Lokesh is dealing with the sand mafia case where Ranveer is a culprit, an open truth, but still none can arrest him as there is no proof.

As per the Assistant Director's order, I went to the press conference with Shourya. I sat asusual in the first row. Shourya looked at me.

"Good morning, everyone,

It's sad to know the death news of IAS Lokesh. We are trying to find out the truth. We sent his body for post mortem and as soon as we get the report, we will proceed further.We won't leave the culprit whoever it is," Shourya said.

"Do you think it's a murder or suicide?" I said.

"I can't say anything without seeing the post mortem report," Shourya said.

"Everyone in the state know the truth, DCP sir. Are you trying to bury the truth or save the criminal?" another reporter said.

"No criminal can escape from the law," Shourya said.

"IAS Lokesh is dealing with the sand Mafia case. Do you think Ranveer involved in it?" I said.

"I don't know."

"Till now Home Minister Ranveer did many crimes. But, he never got arrested as he leave no proofs. Is this case going to become one among them?" I said.

"We can't arrest a person without the proofs. Soon I will trace out the truth," Shourya said.

"Can you arrest Ranveer, if he is the culprit?" I said.

"I will arrest the culprit at any cost. I don't mind whether it's a Home Minister or even if it's the Prime Minister. Everyone are equal before the law."

"You may arrest anyone but can you arrest your best friend who is almost a part of your family in the past? We heard Ranveer is your best friend in the college days, is it true?" I said.

"I have no friends and Ranveer is not my friend," Shourya said, while his eyes are fury. Shourya ended the press meet.

In the evening, I went to the home and after sometime Shourya returned home. I looked at him to understand his mood. He caught me while looking at him.

"Don't worry. Profession is profession. I am not mad at you. I think you enquired a lot about me and Ranveer, right?"

"No. I enquired about Ala. In that process I found this," I said.

Shourya PoV:

I remembered my college days. Ranveeer is my best friend who taught many things to me. His sincerity, love, friendship, honesty inspired me. But I never thought these qualities in him are just an action and there is something hidden in him. I realised it only when Ranveer murdered my another best friend, Rajeev.

"Shourya, what happened to you? Why are you upset?" Diya said.

"Can you please leave me alone for sometime? You are no one to me to share my personal life with you," I said and Diya went off of the room.

I noticed her tears. I don't want to hurt Diya but avoiding her as she didn't have any feelings towards me. I love her but I don't want to force my love on her.

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