Chapter 4: We're Happy, Free, Confused, and Lonely at the Same Time

Start from the beginning

The two girls lay there on the sidewalk. No cars have been passing by and they haven't seen a single person in at least ten minutes. But they are anything but quiet. They are one big mess of long legs and arms as Karlie rolls on the ground laughing on top of Taylor and Taylor tries to push a suddenly very drunk Karlie away from her so she can stand.

"Looks like those last few drinks have finally kicked in!" Taylor says over Karlie's laugher.

"I am so sorry!" Karlie says as she realized the blue eyed girl is not as amused as she is. She makes an effort to stop laughing and tries to stand up slowly. It takes her a few tries but once she is standing she reaches out a hand to help Taylor.

Karlie is stronger than she thinks though and pulls Taylor up a little too hard and starts to fall backward. Luckily Taylor is now ready for Karlie's lack of coordination and catches her.

They stand like that for a moment as they recover from the cartoon-like antics that just ensued. After a few seconds, Taylor realizes that she is still holding onto Karlie's waist with one hand and her arm with the other. The shorter girl blushes and quickly releases her hold.

"Thanks for the catch." Karlie says with one hand now positioned behind her head.

"No problem." Taylor says now looking at the ground with her arms crossed. "Are you alright?" She asks tentatively.

"Yeah I'm fine, I'll feel it more tomorrow I'm sure." Karlie says laughing at herself a little. "Sorry about that, I definitely overdid it tonight."

"Happens to the best of us." Taylor says smiling.

"I got into a fight with Josh today. I was just trying to drink and party til I forgot about it."

"What did you fight about?" Taylor was slightly surprised by Karlie's candor. But then again, she did have a lot to drink.

"He just hasn't been paying attention to me. Which before you say anything, I know it makes me sound like a brat."

"It doesn't." Taylor says reassuringly.

"Things have just been different between us lately. It feels like we have been drifting and I don't know what to do about it."

"Have you tried talking to him about that feeling?"

"Yeah and that's what we fought about. He didn't tell me about a trip he had been planning for a long time until right before it was happening. And then he sort of wasn't understanding why I was mad at him for it and I just snapped. I told him all about what had been bothering me for months. And he acted like I didn't have a reason to be mad because he apologized and warned me he would be busy. Then he said that now that his work thing was over it would be different. But it isn't really over, because he is just gonna have other work things come up and take over his life like this one did. And when I told him that he kind of just seemed to give up. He kept on asking me what I wanted to do if I wasn't happy and then I told him to just go on the trip which I don't think he was happy about but he did it. And we never sorted anything and I just feel so stuck and upset and confused."

"I'm really sorry, those are awful feelings." Taylor says as steps closer to Karlie. 

"What should I do?" Karlie asks.

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