Fate in the Library

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Fate in the library 

By: Iris4Stars  

=first story!!! >V< please comment about what you think of it :3 thanks!=

<3 <3 <3 hugs and carresses for all of my readers

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"May I borrow the book there?" the girl said pointing at the book in the reservation box. 

"Miss. Halie, someone reserved that book. I am sorry, but you cannot borrow it. You know the rules miss." Ms. Conre, the librarian said. " I'll only read it for a while, Miss. Conre. I promise I'll  return it as soon as I'm finished reading." She told her. 

"Okay then Miss. Halie." the librarian said reluctantly. 

So the girl got the book from the box, picked a seat, sat, and started reading. 

Soon an auburn-haired boy about Halie's age went inside the library. 

He looked at the reservation box, his eyes searching for a book he probably reserved. 

"Where is my book Ms. Conre?" he asked the librarian. 

The librarian glanced at where the girl sat. 

The boy took notice and went up to the girl. 

"Hey, I reserved that book first. Give it back." He demanded. 

"You could use a little bit of gentleness you know?" she fought back. 

"Augh! Just give it back!" He snatched the book the girl was handing over. 

"I mean who would get a book right out from the reservation box and read it without permission from the person who reserved it?' he let out a sigh of frustration. 

"I asked Miss. Conre!" she defended herself. 

"Whatever. Good bye. By the way what is your name?" he asked her before he left, holding the book that started all of this. 

"Why?" she asked him back. 

"Just answer."He said staring at the floor. 

"August Halie. And you?" 

"Luke Clyde." And with that, he left the library. 

Halie felt astounded with what just happened. 

She shook her head vigorously as if she just hallucinated. 

Days passed and it was a week before the end of summer after that, it was good bye summer. Two days before the official start of classes, she went to see her class list by herself. Normally, her parents would do that for her but then, they were out of the country and since they believed she would do well, they left her in the care of a maid. 

She searched for her name and there, she saw it. Room 3, D-IX. This meant she was going to be in section D, ninth grade at room 3. She was class number 24. 

She looked at the names of her new classmates. Some she knew, others she didn\u00a1\u00aft. 

As she read the names from the bottom to the top, she became wide-eyed when she saw class number 17. Name? Luke Clyde. What in the world? How could they put me with him? What did I do wrong to deserve this? she groaned and then blamed the innocent people who placed her with him. 

A week passed quickly and she was back in school.  

She did the usual routine for going to school. After that she rode in the car. 

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