Chapter 2

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Chyler got off the plane and looked around, it was dark so there was hardly anyone here. She looked at her hand staring at her smudged handwriting of her aunts address on her hand.

She walked out of the airport and down to the train station and hopped on and left the airport.

An hour later she got off the train and started to find her aunts address.

She started walking down a small dark street.

As she was walking she spotted a small frail girl with mud brown hair sat on the curb alone.

Chyler walked over to her and sat next to her placing her bag beside her.

"Hard day hey?" Chyler nudged the brunette making her look up at her.

"You could say that." The brunette replied looking back down and playing with her hands.

"I'm Chyler, nice to meet you." Chyler held out her sweaty hands.

"Nice to meet you and your sweaty hands" the brunette giggled shaking Chyler's hand.

"Oh my, I'm sorry" she giggled wiping her hands on her jacket.

It was silent for a few seconds before Chyler spoke again.

"What are you doing out here all alone?" she asked.

"Oh, Just needed some air I guess" she replied.

"I'm meeting my sister for the first time, my dad left her behind when she was 7 her name was Marley or something like that." Chyler said changing the subject.

The brunette looked up and smiled.

"I had a sister once, my mom says she died when I was young and my dad left because he couldn't take it." She shrugged and sighed looking out at the street.

"Oh I'm sorry, lets change the subject, what school do you go to?" Chyler asked curiously.

"Oh I go to William McKinley high" the brunette replied and Chyler's face lit up with joy.

"I'm starting there tomorrow!" She smiled.

"Well, I hope" she said.

"Oh, that's cool" the brunette smiled warmly.

"Anyways I better get to my aunts house" she stood up.

"I should go too my mom would worry about me" the brunette stood up too.

They both waved goodbye before Chyler shouted to the brunette.

"I DIDNT GET YOUR NAME!" She yelled.

"MARLEY, MARLEY ROSE" the brunette smiled and yelled back as Chyler's face fell into shock.

"My sister... that's my sister.."

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