"What do you want?" I ask him with cold eyes and I see the surprise in his face. I bite my lip lightly as I continue to admire his face. I feel my hand itch to move up and caress his cheek but I fight the feeling.

"I don't really know. I just felt like I needed to come to see you." I furrow my eyebrows at him in confusion. He wanted to see me? That's it? I see his eyes turn confused himself and he looks like a lost puppy. I almost laugh at his expression.

"You're coming to live with me." His deep voice rumbles out of nowhere and I immediately shoot up from my seat.

"No." Is my immediate response.

"Yes. I am an Alpha, I have duties and you will be my Luna. Please." He forcibly spits out the please and I roll my eyes at him and scoff. I am not giving up my life so that he can be pleased. I am not leaving my family here.

"I have Alpha and Beta blood in me. I am a bloodline and I am not leaving my family here. I have friends, a life, a future and it's all here. You are not changing that!" I snarl at him and I see his eyes flash full silver. I gasp as I stare deep into them. They're absolutely striking and intimidating.

"Come with me." He orders and I stand in my spot without following him. Suddenly I'm swept off my feet and am given a view of a butt. A very nice butt if I may add. I try to wiggle out of Logan's strong grip but it proves to be useless as he's got the strength of twenty men on me.

"Okay let me go I'll walk!" I say in defeat and I feel him chuckle.

"Nope. I'm good with this." He says smugly and I feel a tap on my butt. I gasp at him and slap his back with as much force as I can. I feel him grunt in pain and I smirk in satisfaction.

Eventually we reach his car that's parked in the school parking lot. He has a sleek, black BMW sitting there. I admire it with wide eyes as he sets me down. He opens the passenger side door and I roll my eyes at him again, mumbling a light 'thanks' as I step inside the car.

He slides over to the driver's seat and soon we are driving down the road. I realize that we're driving down a familiar route, towards my home. I decide to bite my tongue and sit in my seat.

Eventually, the still silence grows too annoying for me and I speak up, "I like your car." I blubber and I see him give me a small smile but his face immediately goes back to a hard expression.

"Thanks." His voice vibrates through the car and I shiver at the noise. Following my pathetic attempts, the car goes back to being pin silent and I mentally groan. A few minutes later, thankfully, we reach my house and he parks the car in my driveway. I get out, walk straight to the door and pull out my house keys. After unlocking the door, I walk in straight into the kitchen and see almost all of my family sitting at the table.

"Um...Is this an intervention? I'm sorry, I just can't stop eating cake. It's too hard." I try joking around as I can feel the tension in the air. My father, mother, and brothers are all sitting around the table. "Okay guys, someone say something please." I sigh and I see my father clear his throat.

"He's your mate." Is all he says. I'm frozen in my spot for a moment, unsure of how to respond.

"Yes. He um, he is. He is my mate." I awkwardly repeat and my brothers laugh at me. I see Logan stiffen up beside me and he subconsiously moves closer to me, most likely to calm his wolf's nerve and anger.

"He's the enemy." My father growls and again, Logan eventually touches me and spark fly up my arm.

"I understand. I-I know that. I'm not completely comfortable with it but, he's my mate. We're...destined to be together. What can I do?" I tell him, feeling my own thoughts and desperation seep through my words. I gaze towards Logan and I see conflicting emotions flowing through his eyes.

"I'm giving you my blessing, under certain circumstances." I feel my wolf howl with relief and Logan relaxes beside me. Everyone around me looks calm, why am I not?

"And those circumstances a-are?" I sputter out, conpletely surprised that my dad is alright with this.

"You come home every weekend, you call or text everyday. No sex, no pups, no touching, no kissing-"

"Boys are yucky?" I interrupt my father with a simple phrase that represents his biggest life lesson to me throughout my teenhood. I see my dad's eyes turn sad and he nods at me.

"boy are yucky." He nods and I feel my throat constrict. I run to my dad and his arms wrap around me lightly. I rest my head on his chest and let out a sigh, feeling the safest in his arms.

"I love you, papa." I tell him and I can feel him nod.

Eventually I unwrap myself from his arms and look to the rest of my family.

"I've packed all your things. They're in your room." My mom says and I can feel her voice quiver as she holds back some tears. I walk to her awaiting arms and place my head in the crook of her neck, inhaling the scent that I've grown so familiar to love. She rubs my hair, soothing my nerves with her motherly touch.

"I love you, baby. Come back soon?" I nod at her, of course I'll be home soon. I'll be calling her on my way to Logan's pack. I give her a kiss on the cheek and then move to both of my brothers.

I give my eldest brother a hug, David. He wraps his arms around my waist, resting them on the small of my back and I wrap my arms around his chest. We let go of each other and he ruffles my hair, shooting me a small smile.

"I'll miss you, baby sis." I smile at him and hold back tears.

"Love you." I let go of him and move to my second brother, Darren.  He places his arms around my shoulders and I put my arms around his waist. Darren's a few inches taller than Daniel, making him 6'3.

"Love ya, kid." I give him a smile and turn away form him, back to Logan's side. I look at my family and a tear slips from my eyes as I realize this is the last time I'll be living with them ever again.

"I love you guys." My throat closes, my heartrate  quickens and I feel my lips quiver. Logan places his hand on the small of my back as an act of affection and it calms my nerves. I lean into it lightly, revelling in the sparks shooting up my spine.

I think I can do this. Maybe it won't be so bad living with Logan. If I get to know him, I can learn to love him. He is my mate afterall.

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