Day 2

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Part 1:
So today was good. Most of it was boring besides the fact that I'm trying to do my best to ignore Lee though. It's kind of hard since he rides my bus and sometimes I see him in the hallways. Also I think Jalan was staring at me a little bit during orchestra. But I honestly don't care. It's not my fault your desperate for some one to like you and I'm not. Any who, yeah that's one of the interesting things that went on today.

Part 2:
Remember how I told you that the kids at my school can be stupid? Well yeah, more stupidity was happening today. So in social studies we had to do a "play". We basically just read different parts of an article. And the whole time two girls from the plastics/fakes clique, Ellie and Georgia, and one girl from the mix clique, Isla, were not paying attention. I got so upset because they were wasting so much time. I got so mad that when Georgia was not paying attention I accidently called her Ching, Chang, Chung. It wasn't out loud but my friends could hear it. I didn't mean it, I was just mad. Then in math class one girl from the fakes/plastics, Lexi, was making me so mad that I was about to punch her in her face. She's already loud and annoying, yet she has the nerve to call me that, and she decides to answer a question on the board and act like she's a teacher. Like child, shut the heck up and have a seat! The sad thing too is she's friends with Georgia, and they're both annoying, and she's on my lacrosse team. So yay! Can't wait to play with her in spring. Not.

Part 3:

Speaking of cliques you should probably know the clique list:

Plastics/Fakes Clique: Fun Fact: About 95% of them don't like me and they don't even know why.

The Mixes: Fun Fact: a group of kids with different personalities that I don't even know how to classify them.

The White Boy Clique: Fun Fact: Literally, the whole group are white boys. Just saying.

The "Cool Kids": Fun Fact: Lee is in this group of idiots.

The Geeks: Fun Fact: Smart in class but weirdos around the rest of the eighth grade.

The Emos: Fun Fact: Love to wear all black and draw weird things on themselves.

The Uniques: Fun Fact: This is my clique and I call us that. We don't really have a name.

Now that you know the cliques you'll probably have a better understanding of my school.

Well that's all. Prepare for more drama tomorrow. Especially since tomorrow is Winter Fest which is basically a whole day of activities and food mostly. But yeah just be prepared.


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