Chapter Three

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Chapter Three


I was walking towards the dining table where we all usually eat (at least they let me eat with them) and set down the plates. I took my place on the table and started to eat. They discussed about Camilla as she is coming home today.

"Have you made her bed?" Lady Surp. as in my step mom asked me.

"Yes." Was my simple reply.

"Her dresses are ready?"



We ate in silence and I picked everything after we did. I put the things in the sink and washed all of the things.


Later that day, I was cleaning the living room when I heard our door being knocked.

"I've got it!" I called.

I went towards the door and opened it. I saw a guard from the castle standing there. I was surprised as to why they were there.


"Our Prince sends this message." He said as he handed me the envelop. "It says that all the maiden in the kingdom are invited in the ball that is being held a week later."

"A ball?"

He nodded, "Yes."

"Oh, thank you." I thanked him and closed the door.

Now the big question is, how did they knew about this?

For now, I put the question at the back of my mind and went to the living room and opened the envelop after looking around to see no one.



The ball's a week later and I am determined to find a girl for me. I looked at the photo on my side table to see childish smiles of a boy and a girl. Both of them looked carefree. Like they didn't know what 'worry' means. Like they had all the happiness of the world. Those smiles showed that they are innocent without a care in the world. That boy being me and that girl being Bloom.

I wish my best friend was here with me. How would she look like now if she were alive? I know for a matter of fact that she would be beautiful just as she was before. I smiled thinking what it would be like if she would be here to tease me, just like before. I remember when we were younger, she would always steal my chocolates because she loved chocolates and eat them right in front of me. I laughed at the memory.

I was reminiscing the old days that I barely remember now, just like a cloud, when I remembered I need to check some papers before going to bed.

I checked all of them and decided to go for a walk in our huge garden. My mom planted most of the plants which are now grown beautifully. I remember that there was one big tree there which consisted of a tree house my dad specifically had ordered to be built for Bloom and I. We used to play there a lot. My phone started to ring and I looked to see the caller and saw that it was King Oritel.

"Hello." I answered before going back.

"Prince Sky, I hope I'm  not disturbing you but I've got information about Bloom that she is still alive and somewhere in your kingdom."

"In my kingdom? She is alive and is in Siria?" I asked totally shocked with the information I got. I couldn't believe it, it felt like a dream.

"Yes, that's exactly what I said and I want you to search the kingdom." He requested. He seemed worried and happy at the same time. It was a familiar feeling to me.

"Yes, of course, there is a ball being held these week, I personally invite you. Perhaps, she will be one of the girls in the ball." I advised.

"That's right, I can't believe that after so many years we've finally found my Bloom." He said.

"Yes, that's true." I replied, smiling that my best friend's still alive. There was still a chance to have her back.



It was an invitation card and in there written was the exact same thing that the guard said. I closed the envelop and decided to take it to Lady Surp. They would have my head off if I won't tell 'em about this. As I was about to go, there was another knock at the door. I went to the door and opened it.

"Camilla!" I smiled and she pulled me in a hug.

"Bloom!" She squealed.

I was so happy that she was here.

"Lady Surp., Gage, Jennifer look who's here!" I called out happily.

They came rushing down and spent the rest of the evening together.


Camilla up^^

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