Fay couldn't remember the last time she saw him, but she remembered he always made her smile.

''Where is your wife and son? The last time I saw him he was a tiny baby. How old is...''

''Fayoula, if you could continue your chitchat later, we have important matters to discuss''. Marcus grunted.
She had forgotten he was there as well, he never wastes an opportunity to showcase his talent of annoying her.

''Its a date'', Alex gave her a gently squeeze on her arms before moving to sit down.

The man wearing a suit, with reading glasses sitted next to Marcus, stood up shaking hands with Fay following the introduction.
''This is Mr. Rogers, he's the head of a security firm and well known investigator''.

''Nice to meet you''. Fay Echoed. An investigator!? Why is this man here??

'' If all of you would settle down, we'll give you further details''. A stoic Marcus answered her thoughts.

Fay moved on to share a chaste kiss with Leila Bradwell, who had stood up to greet her.

''Am so sorry...'', was all Fay could say, all Leila could manage was a small head nod and a sniffle. She quickly grabbed some more tissues as she buried her eyes and nose into them. Alex the ever doting brother, gave his little sister an arm to lean on.

Leila was the only family member, who was acting out the role of a bereaved perfectly. But that was to be expected. She was the third and last born of the family. As the only girl child, her father doted on her and in return she followed his rules. She was the only one who finished her studies and managed a lucrative position in a lucrative company all on her own.
She was close to Brad, meaning she disliked Fay. Who could blame her, the father she looked up to had gone to marry someone close to her age. Nothing but a gold digger!! Fay was often accused in the past.

Fay sat down on a three sitter sofa, she wanted to avoid as much physical contact with her guests, sitting together included.

''The last person left is Michael...''. Marcus started.

Speaking of the devil, Micheal walked in, sharing the same sofa with Fay. Good thing he sat as far away as possible from her.

''How long does it take for you to use the bathroom!!'' Leila shouted pointing at Micheal. Everyone seemed shocked by the sudden outburst, she is known to be very calm and collected.

''None of your business!'' Michael grumpily retorted, crossing his arms while looking away.

Petty as always, Fay caught his silhouette from her side view.He still seemed affected by her hitting him, he clearly deserved it. Now that she thought about, her hand felt a bit sore. I hope he gets a bruise.

''How many times do I have to say this!..'' Marcus seemed angry. ''...lets keep the chitchat for later, we have pressing matters on hand...''.
This seemed to be get everyone's attention.

''Uncle Marcus, what's so important that it couldn't wait for tomorrow..?'' Leila asked what everyone was thinking.

'Uncle' Fay inwardly snorted.

''I hate to be the bearer of bad news but...'' Marcus shuffled some documents around.

''Out with it..''. Micheal grumpily retorted.

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