Chapter 11: Grand Opening

Start from the beginning

Soon, I was on my own again. I took a glance around the campsite and saw Hannah and Carly. Still whispering, sharing people's secret with each other. Gross, I thought. Sophia was at the corner texting someone, and Larry at the other end was leaning his head back, probably snoozing. But the sight of two empty seats froze me to death.

"Where the hell did those two lovebirds go?". Negative thoughts flow in my brain like flowinf rivers ar our campsite.  But somehow, it felt like being shot by a bullet that goes right through your head, ugh.

'Trust her. Remember she's your bestfriend and you guys been through thick and thin.'

Okay okay forget about them.

Continue glancing around until I spot Chad and PV chatting and talking or should I say negotiating. Chad was pleading and pleasing PV as hard as he could. Man, he does want tto switch partners that much. He was putting on his adorable puppy dog face ever which I never seen them before and that made me giggled. They both then shook hands and smiled. This would be good news, I thought.

His smile was brighter than ever. Brighter than the full moon tonight. He made his way to me but when he arrived face-to-face with me, his smile dimmed and he gulped.

"So?" I asked, curiosity now killing me.

"Bad news Jaz." his face was so serious. So was his tone of voice.

"What? What's wrong? She didn't agree?"

"I don't know. She always give in when it's me." he said, lips pouting all the way.

"Oh well, seems luck isn't with us, huh?" I was upset, I admit. I sat down and joined his pout party. He walked to his seat, beside me still pouting. He seems so sad and full of misery. Yeah, Hannah and Carly can be annoying at times.

Wait, they're annoying all the time.

"Ehem ehem" cough blares through the microphone.

"Attention to Carly Shey, Hannah Poh, Chad Fredston and Jasmine Posh. Please see me after this. Thank you." a tone of madness can be heard at Mrs Wendy's voice.

Oh no, I thought. She'll cut our tongues for sure now. And this was all his fault. Chad's. His secret mission was just a waste of time and was trouble all along. I was pretty upset, I feel like wanting to scream and run away in the woods. I was scared. Who does't scared of Mrs Wendy?

I faced Freddie, my face full of anger, I bet it's red by now. "What the hell did you do?"

"Whoa Jasmine! Calm down." he tried to calm me down but failed.

"How on the world can I calm down at a time like this? SHE'LL CUT OUR TONGUES FOR SURE AND IT'S ALL YOUR 'SERIOUS MISSION'S' PLAN THING FAULT." I shouted in fury.

"So now you blame me? We agreed on this together. We shook hands and the deal was sealed. So you say it's my fault?"

I startled. He's right. I'm the one who agreed with all this so it's my fault as well. I blushed in embarassment. But still, I don't wanna lose.

"But..but..." I stuttered.

"But what? Huh?" he challenged me which cause me to shake.

"But you started this whole thing Chad. You're the one who wants to change partners so badly and-" before I could finish, he finished it for me " was all me? You want it that much too!"

My tears was going to fall any second now. I looked down, wanted to cry but the tears can't seem to fall. Why the hell did I want to cry just for this such small matter?

"Jasmine, come on, don't do this to me. I felt guilty enough. Please? Trust me, everything's gonna be alright." 

Then he took my chin and raise it up, he smiled but I don't know that was real or fake but somehow it was charming. His eyes met mine, and the green seems to be sparkling. Wow. His lips smelled minty which urged me to taste them but I decide not to. He leans forward, closer, his minty breath fanned over my face and not long after that, his lips were on mine. I don't know why but I replied the kiss passionately. I craved for more. 

But then, realizing the situation we were in, I pushed him back, causing him to fall off his chair.

WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED? Was I drunk or something? Or was he drunk?

Chad stood up, brushing his locks and clothes he sat back on his chair. "I'm sorry, Jasmine. I don't know what came in to me." he apologized nervously.

Awkwardness filled the air.

"I-i-i..uhh- have to go." I lied and ran off.

"But Jasmine, wait!" he ran after me but I ran as fast as I could and look back. Thank God there was no sign of him. He lost me. I sighed a sigh of relief. I hid behind the cabin, catching my breath. My heart was pounding so fast I could hear it. I dragged myself down the wall helplessly but I heard someone whisper playfully. Not someone. But someTWO. Two whispers were heard.

I followed the whisper trail with my good ear although I'm not that of a good listener. The whisper was much more clear now, they must be close, I thought.

I hid behind a bush, seeing a couple poking around playfully and cheerfully. Ew. I cant see who it was in the dark but I think I'll spend a bit more time here watching them. Or maybe get them on video.

"You look amazing tonight under the full moon, babe." a boy voiced out.

"No, you do!" a girl replied back, then laugh sweetly with the boy.

"I always wanted to say this but everytime I do, something's always in the way. But seems your my partner now, we can now have some more alone time." he said, kissing the girl passionately.

"What is it, Fred?" 

That froze me to death. Only one girl that has a partner and called him Fred.

And that one girl is Sal.


Sooo sorry it's short, I'll update more when I have time :) I hope you like this one although it filled with mushy stuff. But oh well.

Thanks you guys!

What should Jasmine do after she found out her BFF is making out with her crush? TELL MEEE!


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