Quest For Peace: Underneath The Charcoal

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 She watched through the good and bad with a gun in her hand. She was a soldier by the age of thirteen. She was forced to sweat blood and never cry, tears were trouble. Her wind tanned skin bled. It was ashen from explosions. She bled from her head. Her almond grey eyes were cold, unforgiving and bloodshot. She was scarred in her mind and her mind. She had a habit of biting her thick lips which caused them to bleed.

 "Milita?" called Rocky. A grenade in one burned hand and uzi in the other. She hid behind a willow tree. Her bony chest raised up and down. Her right hand rested on the tree. Her gnawed nails dug into the ancient bark. She tightened the grip on her pistol. "Come on, we just wanna play war, darling." he chuckled sinisterly. "You know what they're going to do to your family, oh wait, they're dead." he guffawed. Milita spun round the tree firing a single bullet through Rocky's rib cage. It punctured his heart and he lay gasping for air.

 "Don't train soldiers..." she holstered her gun. "if you don't want them to kill you." She ran off deeper in the thick woods. Masses of trees covered her vision. She breathed hevaily as she sprinted through the woods. Her short black hair bobbed slightly as she ran with everything she could give it. A dog barked behind her. She flew around on her heels. Her gun pointed at any imposing danger. A simple wolf sat in front of her.

 "Shoo." she hissed. It whined and dragged it's self towards her. She saw it's leg was bloody. Then something happened, I think they call it empathy, but she wasn't sure. She had an four centre-metre deep gash running from her hip to calf once. Using her teeth which had been sharpened over time, she ripped a cloth from her jacket and wrapped it around its leg. The wolf licked her bloody hands. Wolves were used to heal people when they were out of synthetic chromosme X, which has proved it can heal people.

 She sat in the clearing for an hour. The wolf licked her wounds. She had gotten past the loyal soldiers, then the guards, then the officials and she had shot and killed Rocky. A man who held her head in a water basin of salt water after cutting her cheeks, why? She hadn't taken extra ammo one day. Her chapped skin burnt after a while. Her eyes were heavy but she refused sleep. It was dangerous. She walked now. Not slowly, not quickly. She gripped her gun. The wolf stayed next to her, like a shadow. It was a black wolf, which was common in these parts as they were enhanced by the goverment to have saliva with the properties of antibiotics. The injection had turned their sandy brown fur turn black like charcoal. When she was twelve, during soldier training, she had an idea of one shaking it's fluffy coat and characol dust coming out like a cloud. Underneath it would be it's old coat.

 "Another two hours if I keep going ahead." she said to the wolf. It nodded. She wondred if it was a baby, it was tiny, barely reaching her knees and she was only the size of a fourteen year old. She ruffled it's chin with her chapped fingers. "Shall we get going then?" she asked it. It yipped at her and she decided it was a yes.

 Halfway to the right direction a cut in Milita's arms burned and stung. She knew she couldn't go further. She sat against a large tree. It had vibrant green vines entwined around the trunk. The wolf sat next to her. She looked at it's soft silvery eyes and saw her own reflected back in them.

 "Guard while I have a rest." she whispered.The wolf sat on her lap. Her bared his fierce teeth to the world with his hackles up. Slowly, milita feel asleep. She felt her pearl necklace tightening around her neck and she screamed. She looked around and noticed the wolf was still there but was startled by her shrieking. She rubbed her head. The moon hung over them, though it was hard to see over the canopy above her. She was hoping to have crossed the boarder prior night fall rather than during. Maybe the guards would be asleep now she thought.

 As she stepped around shrubbery and flowers and delicate butterflies and birds she started feeling her stomach grumbling. The wolf exchganged a glance with her and ran off.

 "Wait come back!" she called. Her strained vocie echoed theough the forest and she almost felt any guns waiting in the dark turn to her. Suddenly the wolf returned with a few nuts and berries. She wouldn't why it had not got a bird or a squirrel. Then she remembered that Biotic Wolves were bred to stay close to humans, to not kill, to trust. He gave her the berries by dropping them in her hands. She hate half anf gave the rest to the wolf. She slipped the nuts in her pocket for later. She had a feeling she was going to need all the energy she could get. She tightened the grip on her gun and made her way to the boarder. 

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