Chapter 6

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Thank the lord Conor let me go home! I could relax for a while and watch some movies. And do a bit of research on this guy, as well. I only knew he was a jerk, but hey, can't hurt to actually learn something, can it?

I took my laptop from the nightstand and turned it on, waiting the usual fifteen minutes it took to properly load. Once it finally did, I launched Chrome and googled "Conor Maynard Facts". I couldn't believe how many results showed up, especially how many of those were Tumblr blogs. I have my own blog, but I never noticed any Maynardians or whatever the fuck they're called on Tumblr. 

I clicked on the first blog I saw, which had a whole thirteen pages titled "Fun Facts about our ConCon!" ConCon? Really? Sounds like something his mother would call him... Eh, whatever, time to focus!

Fact #1: Conor Paul Maynard is the most beautiful, charming, sweet, fabulous, amazing boy in the whole wide world and if you don't agree, you can go to hell. 

I laughed at that "fact". I have to admit, Conor's really not that bad-looking, but these people glorify him and practically worship him as if he was a god.

Fact #2: Conor's fans are called Mayniacs.

Considering how many girls were at the hotel, hiding in luggage bags and posing at waiters, I'm pretty sure that name is accurate. Oh, and we can't forget about the one who fainted when someone lied about Conor being out on his balcony. Seriously, why obsess over this guy so much?

Fact #3: Conor has a younger brother named Jack and a younger sister named Anna.

I clicked on the link the blog had added to a picture of them three together. When it loaded, I couldn't believe how how Jack was. Damn, I think I could go for some frick-frack with that particular Maynard boy...

Just as I was about to scroll down to the next fact, Nicole, my best friend, sent me a text.

'What are you doing chica?? I'm bored!'

I quickly replied back.

'Researching that one guy you're totally in love with... Help me out here?'

The next text I received from her was the longest list of guys I have ever read. More particularly, it was the incomplete- Yeah, a list of about 57 names- list of her celebrity crushes. What I found hilarious was the fact that she didn't even mention Conor.

'Okay, you seriously need a new hobby besides obsessing over all of these guys... But none of them are the answer! I was talking about Conor Maynard...'

I went back to researching as much as I could about Conor and found some pretty cool covers of his. My favorite in particular was his cover of "Don't You Worry Child". I hate that song, but he made it sound tolerable. Not that great, but good enough that I can tolerate listening to it. 

I heard a beep from my laptop, meaning I had a new message on Facebook. Who else but Nicole?

'Oh my god Zoe you got the internship?! With THE fucking Conor Maynard?! The sexy piece of ass I've dreamt about meeting for years now?!'

She also typed some random letters into the keyboard, which meant she was most likely freaking out about this whole thing and was jealous that I would be working with one of her many celebrity crushes.

'Yes I did get the internship! Don't worry I won't make a move on him or anything. I know you're already thinking that, but you know I hate him, so nothing to worry about!'

'Oh I know you won't, because if you do, I'll be forced to kill you n.n'

Nice to see she loves me. Well, what can I say? She's a Mayniac, and an actual maniac too...

I spent a little more time researching about Conor and decided on making a fake fan account for him. It should be fun, right? Seeing all these girls fangirl over him, tweet about him, obsess- oh my god, what am I getting myself into?

I had earlier discovered that his YouTube username was skillzaisherebooya, and decided that my Twitter username would be @SkillzaisFine. I cringed just typing that into the username box, but it would be a funny prank to pull, wouldn't it?

Once I had confirmed my Twitter account and all that mumbo jumbo, I followed a few of this guy's fans and made the account full-on Conor Maynard. Conor icon, Conor header, Conor background, everything Conor! I was so disgusted by the time I had written Conor numerous times in my bio that I just sent out one simple tweet.

@SkillzaisFine: omg conor is such an amazing singer and like, the hottest guy in the whole wide world why is he so cute why are you so cute @ConorMaynard

I closed my laptop just in time to receive a call. From the most annoying brother in the whole entire world.

I swiped the Answer key and put the phone on speaker. "What do you want, Alan? I'm busy here!"

"I just wanted to see how your internship went today. Sheesh, so much for trying to be sweet to my amazing big sister..."

"I don't have money and I am not letting you borrow my DVD copy of The Notebook." Don't even ask; he's sensitive.

"I need you to take Dad's car and pick me up from Brandon's house." Brandon was Alan's best friend; practically like his brother. "If you do, I'll do anything you want!"

I thought about something for a minute. "Pay half of what I'll need for a new car so I won't have to spend my whole, entire summer on this internship. I'll work five weeks and whatever I make is what I put towards my car. You pay the rest, deal?"


Woo, glad I got myself out of the five remaining weeks of this internship!

Thank you for the 51 votes on this story! I hope you're enjoying it! However, I noticed the last chapter didn't get as many votes as the one before it, so maybe you guys could help me get a bit more noticed? I'd really appreciate it and will return the favor if you'd like! Thank you, I love you! :)

Dedication goes to the awesomely awesome Conors_VegasGirl (again) because I spent all night Friday catching up on "What Would Your Father Say?" and cannot wait for her to update it! Go check it out and follow her!

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jan 20, 2014 ⏰

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