Chapter 2

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"Conor Maynard? The Conor Maynard?" I honestly couldn't believe I was going to be the assistant of such an arrogant, egotistical jerk. He let the fame get to his head and I honestly didn't want to deal with him. "Are you sure there's not an error in those papers?"

Dean Lowell looked through the papers in the folder. "Nope, no errors. You'll be his assistant for the summer and it will be good practice for the future. You have to learn to be a leader, Zoe, and this will help you."

"The only way this will help me is if I'm stuck with a rude, narcissistic boss in the future."

Lowell shrugged his shoulders. "You never know who you're going to get stuck with. Besides, Mr. Maynard isn't all that bad."

I rolled my eyes. "Isn't all that bad? He's a womanizer who just spends his days partying and clubbing with his friends." To be honest, I was kind of jealous he was able to go out every night and act wild. I haven't had a wild night out since I snuck into the movies with my friends during junior year of high school.

"Don't judge a book by its cover. After a few days, you'll probably get used to his behavior."

"Fine, I'll do it, but only because it's a requirement. If it wasn't, I wouldn't have hesitated to rip that folder apart and waltz out of here with not even a single word." He looked surprised when I said this. "I mean, yay, I get to hang out with a star and be bossed around by him! I'm so excited!"

I quickly ran out of the room and outside the building to my car. Well, I would've ran to my car, if it had still been there...

I looked around the street for a few minutes, but I couldn't see my car anywhere. I knew I had parked right in front of the building, but I'm so forgetful, I probably actually parked a mile away.

Sadly, I didn't. The only thing I could think is that someone stole my car, but how? My car was a 1996 Mitsubishi Eclipse and was really hard to drive, let alone turn on without the keys. Then I realized something...

I went into the restaurant in front of where I stopped looking of my car and sat in a far back table. I took my bad off my shoulder and emptied it out to look for my keys; no sign of them. I emptied my pockets too, but they weren't there, either.

If I didn't have the keys with me, then I must've left them stuck to the ignition. Great, just great! Now instead of enjoying today, I would have to face my dad and tell him another of my cars got stolen. Yeah, this similar situation has happened before. Twice!

The first time was a few days after I had gotten my license. I drove to the ATM to grab some cash for a family dinner that night. I was literally out of my car for not even a full minute when some jackass came out of nowhere and drove away with my brand new Mustang.

The second time was during my midterms last year. My friends decided to grab a bite to eat since it was half past six and we hadn't eaten that day. When we left the restaurant, we noticed that my car, which was what took us there, had been long gone.

I never even caught the thieves! I have such bad luck, I probably wouldn't get this car back, either. Well, it's time to face the music...

I quickly left the restaurant, but not before buying myself an iced tea. Didn't want to make myself look like an idiot who just went in and went out...

As I was about to call my dad, I was receiving a call, from him. "Hey Dad, can I ask you for a favor?" I asked, nervous at what he would say.

"Sure, what is it?"

"Can you pick me up please? I'm right in front of the Dean's office building. Pretty please come pick me up as soon as you can?" I was practically begging on my knees right now, even though he couldn't see me.

He let out a sigh. "I'll be there in five minutes." He hung up and I walked back to the building and sat on a bench just in front of it. I wasn't even sat for two minutes when he arrived. "Come on, honey! I have to leave for work right after I drop you off!"

I quickly ran to his car and sat in the passenger seat. I threw my book bag to the back seat and gave my dad a kiss on the cheek. "Thanks, Dad."

"No problem, sweetie. Now, can you tell me why you needed me to pick you up?" Time to prepare for the end of my life...

"My car kind of got stolen while I was talking to Dean Lowell..." His face quickly showed signs of anger. "I'm sorry! I really am! You know I'm very forgetful! I promise it won't happen again, but please, can you help me buy another one? I don't care if it's used; I just really need a car. Pretty please, Dad?"

"No, I'm not going to help you," he replied; I was shocked. "I'm tired of having to buy you a new car almost every year, Zoe. You're getting an internship this summer, right?" I nodded. "Well, it's most definitely going to be a paid internship, so you'll have to save up your money and buy your own car."

"But Dad-"

"No buts, Zoe! You heard me! You pay for your car, or you don't get a car at all. That is final!"

Well, I guess that leaves me no choice but to be stuck with a snobby pop star for the summer.

A/N: I can't believe this story got 9 votes in just a few days! You seriously don't know how happy that made me; and the comments, too! I hope you guys like the chapter, and the song on the side there! I just put it there because I've been obsessed with The 1975 lately haha! Well, vote and comment, please! Love you :)

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