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Iggy's P.O.V.
Here we are walking around the streets of New York. When I see the tattoo shop. It reminds me of my old crush, Taylor. She was part of the flock until she disappeared one day. She had the beautiful brown hair she always found something to curl it with. She would dye the ends of it different colors. She had sleek black and angel white wings.

I don't come out of my train of thought until I heard someone yelling at me. I look at them and see them talking to themselves and see them pointing at a beach with a girl with crazy colored hair. I look at her and look at her outfit.

"Guys... that's Taylor. Our Taylor." I say

They all look at me in disbelief. Fang walks over to me and puts a hand on my shoulder.

"That isn't Taylor. At least not our Taylor." He says

"That is Taylor. I swear. I would know that beanie anywhere." I say and point at the black beanie hanging off her head but still on her head "That's my old beanie. The beanie I gave her."

They all look at me then her.

"Might as well see." Max says and spreads her wings and we down the to beach

We all look at Angel. I am half expecting her to say it isn't Taylor. But she doesn't say anything.

"Taylor?" Nudge asks

She turns around quickly, startled. Then she smiles when she sees us. Nudge runs up and hugs her. Gazzy is the next one. Then Angel. Then Max. Then Fang. Then me.

"What are you guys doing here?" She asks as we sit down on the beach

"Just about to ask you the same thing." Fang says

"I came running from the erasers." She says "And to get this tattoo." She moves her flannel enough to show us a tattoo of an eraser

"Oh. That why we came here too. The get away from those stupid ass erasers. And Jeb." I say "Why get a tattoo of them?"

"Watch what you are saying about erasers. My twin brother is one. And it's also my dad your talking about. So watch it. And in memory of Ari. Since I lost him to becoming an eraser. I got one with his name under it." She says and shows the name in fancy handwriting

"You even have the scar on his eye." Fang says

She nods "I know almost every detail of my brother."

I nod and she look over at the others kids. All of us zoning out when I realize I see a shadow of a group on the sand. And I hear Taylor sigh. She stands up and spreads her wings and flies off. I go to follow her, but something tells me I got to get to Nudge, Angel, and Gazzy. I run over to them as soon and erasers show up.  Being led by the one and only Ari.

"I thought I saw my sister, Taylor here." He says

"Don't worry Ari. I am right here." She says as she comes out from the back of the erasers with a gun strapped to her thigh

"Why didn't I expect you to do this?" Max says "We haven't heard from you since your father left us alone at that house. I should have expected you to turn on us. All because of your family."

"You want to start talking about family?" Taylor snaps "You try having the director as your mom. And she expects the world from you. I have to do what she tells me. Even if that means kill my own friends." She says and aims her gun at Max

Ari holds an arm out and Fang steps in front of Max. I look between the two sides.

"Taylor, what happened to the Taylor that I gave my beanie to?" I ask

She looks away and and drops the gun "That Taylor you guys once knew, is gone. This is what I was trained for."

She bends and picks up her gun and straps it back to her thigh. She turns and spreads her wings.

"Ari do what dad told you to do. But try to keep them alive." She says and doesn't make eye contact with anybody

She shoot off into the air. And the beanie fell off from the force. I grab it before it hits the sand or water. I look inside and see a piece of paper.

November 1st.

Iggy let me steal his beanie. He doesn't care if he doesn't get it back. Whoever gets the opportunity to love him and have him love him back as long as my father and brother get to him first, is one lucky gal. I hate having to leave him soon. I love him so freaking much. I still can't believe I fell for the guy I have trained to hunt. But I did.

I keep rereading this until I hear the others yelling at me. I stuff the beanie in my pocket and run over to see Fang on the ground. Sliced up pretty bad.

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