Chapter One

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My P.O.V

Mrs. Beth walked into my room with a cute red velvet dress that fluffed out at the end with white fur at end and a black bow tide around the waist. She took off my shirt and clothes, leaving me in my underwear. she grabbed little white pantyhose and helped me pull the on. She then put the cute red velvet dress on me, and grabbed black strap on shoes, slipping them on my feet and buckling them.

Mrs. Beth: OK Eve. let's go down stairs.

We walked down the stairs and through the long hall.

Me: Mrs. Beth?

Mrs. Beth: Yes, my dear.

Me: Am I ever going to get adopted?

Mrs. Beth: Oh, hush my dear and go stand in line.

She hands me my stuffed teddy bear then walks towards to the people that are going to adopt us. We stood in a long line facing the parents. The rest of the kids where 8-13 years old and hear I am a 3-year-old barely able to reach the door knob on a door. I watched as the adults chose which child they wanted and soon left, leaving the ones that didn't get adopted, including myself. Mrs. Beth sighed and took count of who was left. There were 10 children left Me being the 11th one.

Mrs. Beth: OK children, time for breakfast.

Mrs. Beth handed us a plate of food and we sat down at the dining table. I pushed my food around that was on the plate.

Mrs. Beth: Eve, please eat.

she begged.

Me: I'm sorry Mrs. Beth, but I'm not hungry.

Mrs. Beth: This is the third time you went without eating a full meal, just pecking at it like you're a little bird.

Mrs. Beth sighed and I watched everyone finish their food and head to the kitchen.

Eve: Two big bites then I can go?

Mrs. Beth shook her head yes with a big excited smile on her face. I took two big bites of my bacon cheesy egg omelet then chugged down my glass of milk. I wiped away my milk mustache and placed my now empty glass back on the table. Mrs. Beth took my plate and empty glass, taking them to the kitchen. The other kids played loudly while I staid quiet and continued to draw and color. I picked up my paper to switch it out with a clean one, the edge of the paper made a small but deep cut on the tip of my index finger. beads of blood trigged out.

Me: Mrs. Beth!

I whined, she ran over to me and nelt down.

Mrs. Beth: Oh, my dear, what is wrong.

She had worry stained on her aged face. I held out my bloody finger and she gently took it in her wrangled hands. She then picked me up and placed me down on a stool, then dug around in a drawer. She grabbed a rag and soaked it under the fossil and gently cleaned the blood from the scratch, then took out the band aid she found in the drawer and wrapped it around my finger.

Me: Thank you Mrs. Beth

She kissed my cheek and I got off the stool. Mrs. Beth gasped as faint car engines could be heard, and a big smile spread across her face.

Child 1: Adoptees are here Mrs. Beth.

Mrs. Beth pulled me along and placed me in line with the others. 10 families came walking through the door. I stood there in line with holding my stuff teddy bear that was a grey-blue color, his left eye was the round plastic brown eyes that came with every teddy bear, but his right eye was a simple medium sized black button that was sowed on as a replacement. His left ear, right arm and left paw all had black stiches of yarn to secure them back to his body as if to look like a normal teddy bear. His name is Kodak. I pressed Kodak to my chest as I grew nervous of the parents that came walking through the double doors of the orphanage. There were ten families some big and some small. Two Children, a boy and girl got adopted by a married couple that had no child. Then a family with one child adopted a girl from the line of kids. A woman adopted the three children from the group, they were triplets and all girls. Another family with one child adopted two boys. And the last family adopted twins that where boy and girl. And there was me, all alone with nobody to adopt me. I watched the families sign adoption papers then leave with there now sons and daughters. I sighed, looking down at my black leather strapped feet. Mrs. Beth came walking out of her office, and looked at me apologetically. My eyes welded up with so many tears I couldn't hold them back.

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