He jerks around to look at Meg. She's grinning cheekily at him, snickering at the fact that, well, she did better than him. No one does better than him. That's really weird for this class.

Mrs. Perkins finishes slamming papers on the desks and goes into some detailed talk about essay introductions. Castiel tunes it out.


"Dean, do you know much about Meg Masters?" Castiel asks quietly as he takes a seat by his best friend at the only warm corner of the library. Of course, at a closer glance, Dean isn't reading at all, he's hiding his phone behind a books about deer hunting.

He pulls himself away from the white screen. "Nah, not really. I heard she was suspended once for beating up that kid Crowley once. Don't think she has any friends. Why?"


Cas and Dean sit in silence for a moment.

"Wait, you're not into her, are you?"

Castiel nearly leaps out of his seat. "No! No, I just- she did better than me on that test. She seemed kind of nice, though... I think I should be her friend."

Dean shakes his head. "No way, dude. Don't let her demonic charm draw you in. She'll probably eat your heart or something."

"Dean." Castiel gives him a 'what-the-hell' look. "I'm going to talk to her after school. Unlike you, I am not a very judgmental person. Might I remind you, we don't have any friends either."


"He's my brother. And he just hangs around us because has a weird thing for your brother. It is creepy and you know it."

Dean grumbles. "Whatever. Just please don't do anything weird with her." he stands up from his chair and shoves his phone into his pocket.

Once he's halfway through the library, Castiel whispers to himself, "I'm not scared of girls like you are," as he slides the hunting book over to himself.


Castiel rides bus 65 every day, because his "siblings" are too selfish to drive him home. He always sits it the same spot: 6th row, far right. So does Meg. 4th row, far left. She apparently got on before him, since he's just passed her- leaning on the closed window, headphones in her ears. He backs up a bit and slides onto the empty seat next to her.

"Hello." he says timidly.

"Oh, hey, Castiel. Didn't know you rode this bus too." she plucks the headphones from her ears and tucks away her phone.

"I didn't know you did, either, actually."

"So what brings you to Meg's corner?" she smiles mischievously.

Castiel blinks. Oh, yeah. "I was wondering if you'd like to go to JJ's Diner with me, Dean, and his brother on Friday after school."

Meg blinks this time. "Why?"

"To get to know you. I think we both have a small number of friends."

The girl beside him hesitates, then nods. "Alright, then."

A minute of quietness passes. Castiel fidgets with something in the pocket of his tan jacket nervously. Meg only stares out the window, moving the zipper of her leather coat up and down absent-mindedly. Finally, he speaks up, "Are you going to join any clubs this year?"

She thinks for a long time before turning her head his way. "No."

"Why?" Castiel tilts his head. "Aren't you afraid of people saying you're a loser for that?"

"No. There's nothing here for me. Except maybe if we had a newspaper thing... Well, I might've tried that. But we don't, and I can't sing, act, or draw. What about you, Cas? Do you have a hidden singing voice no one knows about?"

He makes a face. "What? No. I can't either."

"Hey, you like to write, don't you?"

"I guess."

"Let's start a writing club, then. I get to do something I want, and you get a club you're so keen on getting into. Not the coolest option, but it is something. Look, your boyfriends can come too."

"I don't-"

"This is my stop. We'll talk about it tomorrow, okay?"

The shrugs on her backpack and hops out the door, leaving a very confused and thoughtful Castiel behind. Oh, boy... what is he about to get himself into?


A/N: long time no spooning, wattpad! sorry i haven't updated sun spot yet... this is why. (i'm working, though, i swear!) since 9x10 came out i've been wating to write a high school fic. but... a more modern, different-y one. with meg. because i love meg and she's awesome. also, if this looks megstiel-ish right now, fear not. they're only gonna be a very sassy brotp in this.

there are a few references to some of my favorite tv shows and stuff (cough glee/parks and recreation couGH). aaaand i was thinking about struck by lightning when i wrote this. plus i had no idea what to call this fic so i just named it after an imagine dragons song... when in doubt, use song titles.

...anyway, thanks for reading, sorry for rambling here! the other angels/demons will appear soon... it'll get better...

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