Chapter 2: 221b Baker Street

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Aurora POV

I wake up on a couch with a headache. «Ugh...» I sit up. «She's awake.» An unfamiliar voice came from a chair in front of me. «Let me get some tea.» That was an old woman's voice. Suddenly a hand touch my forehead. «It seems like her fever is almost gone to.» It was an another unfamiliar voice, but this one seemed a bit nicer than the first voice. «Where am I?» 

The old woman came back with the tea. «You are at 221b Baker Street.» I widened my eyes. «221b B-Baker Street. You mean where the famous counsulting detective Sherlock Holmes and former soldier and now doctor John H. Watson lives?!» I had to hold my mouth so I didn't say to much. «You know quite a lot for someone living consealed from the world.» It was the silver eyed man who spoke. 

«Says the man who hardly ever speak to another person other than Mr. Watson.» Mr. Watson had a surprised look on his face. «No one has ever talked back at Sherlock before!» He smile and begin to laugh. «That is not funny John!» Mr. Holmes gives Mr. Watson a cold look. «Sorry, sorry. It's just so funny how she could say that without being thrown out.» I look at Mr. Holmes. «Well since you mention it.» He look at me. «Now that you seem good. You have no reason for being here. Go--» I jump up from the couch. 

«Wait! I do have a reason for being here even if it wasn't my plan.» I straighten my back and take a deep breath. And take out the newspaper from my bag that was placed on the table. And sit down on the couch again. «Do you know who it was that did this?» Mr. Watson take paper and look at it. «Well it is written here. Aurora Beck.» I shake my head. «It's impossible because. Well, I am Aurora Beck.» It seems like the only one surprised is Mr. Watson. Mr. Holmes didn't move an inch. 

«So you are Aurora Beck and the hacker DeadlyPoision--». I interrupted him. «Former hacker.» He looked irritated at me. «Former hacker DeadlyPoision, but it wasn't you who hacked into the weapon store's security system for over 2 000 000 $. It is hard to think that you didn't do it since you have the hands of a computer genius, but your hands haven't touched computer keys for 6 years.» I look surprised at him, but regain my posture. 

«I didn't expect less from Sherlock Holmes to even know how long it's been since I touched computer keyes. Would you tell me how you did it?» He close his eyes when he begin to explain. «First you have long and slender fingers that makes it easy to tap on the computer keyes fast. Second, your hands look like they are waiting to do something they haven't done in a long time. Everyone has heard about the hacker DeadlyPoison who turned herself in 6 years ago--» Now it was Mr. Watson who interrupted. 

«Oh, I have heard of that to. DeadlyPoison turning herself in after many years of hacking. Is giving 5 years in prison for hacking. Why did you turn yourself in?» Both Mr. Watson and Mr. Holmes stares at me. «Judging by your expression you lost someone important, more important than your life.» I nod. 

«I didn't actually turn myself in...I got taken just before trying to take suicide...» I saw Mr. Holmes's eyebrow go up a little. «You tried to take suicide.» Mr. Holmes nod. «Why?» Mr. Watson give me a curious and serious look. I take a deep breath. «You have read of all the jobs I've been taking.» They nod. 

«Because of you the police came knocking on my door every damn week. They wanted me to find out where you lived and stuff.» I laugh a little. «Hehe. Sorry about that, but I didn't have a choice. If I didn't get money my mother would suffer!» I put my head in my hands. «She was sick. Wasn't she.» Mr. Holmes said in an emotionless voice. I nod. «Even when she was sick she took care of me, until that day...» I close my eyes as I was telling them my about everything. About the man in black, the medicin debt and why I needed money. 

When I was done I laughed a little and tears started to fall. «It was my fault that she died. If I hadn't gone to work that day. If I just had seen the signs. If I...just had turned around a second time.» I stopped talking. «She died when you were at work.» I nod. «What did you do when you came back?» I look up. 

«When I came home I had gotten enough money to pay back the debt, but when I opened the door to happily tell mother about it.» I stopped and took a deep breath again. «She just lies there. She was holding something in her hand. It-it...*breath in* was a birthday present. I had birthday the next day.»

«When I saw her, I dropped the money and ran to her. I tried calling her name countless of times, but she didn't  answer. I was doing that for almost two hours. When I had gained a bit of my humanity again I lifted her up and made her a grave in the back of the house. I picked every flower I found around the house. After burying her I left with the money and walked to the police station.» I took a pause. «So you did turn yourself in.» I shake my head. 

«I did go to the police station, but I didn't go there to turn myself in. My jobs always lasted until night so there was almost no people around. I hacked myself into the police station to get inside. I left the money in the reception and walked out. After that I locked it like I was never there. You know. That's the reason everyone is afraid of the hacker DeadlyPoision. I can hack into a system without anybody knowing.» 

«Well anyway. As I walked out I climbed up to the roof with help from the fire escaping ladder, of the police building. Someone saw me and called the police. I was on the roof when a flock of policemen came behind me. They said like "what are you doing her" and "who are you". You know, the normal stuff. I answered every question. Then the police boss guy came and ruined my plans.» 

«He walked to me while I smiled and walked closer and closer to the edge. I laughed and cried at the same time. The police boss had shot me with anesthetic gun. I don't remember what happened, but when I woke up I was in an empty white room. It sooned came people in the room and asked me questions. I told them almost everything I've done and about why I was going to take suicide.»

«After they listened to my story, they decided to only have me in jail for 5 years. It was originally planned that I was going to stay on an isolated island until I died, but they didn't know or expect that I was so young or had a reason for hacking. And that's my lifestory.» I breath heavy after finish talking.

«Didn't the police or military want to use you?» Mr. Holmes didn't show any emotion, but didn't have the same cold eyes like before. Rather they were kind of warm. I shake my head. "I have to lie.". «The military doesn't know about me since I didn't take jobs that involved the military. And the police boss wanted to keep me safe from them. He actually visited me every day, but the press had found out the real name of DeadlyPoision and ruined everything. Now that my name is out. I have to go hiding again, but I have a request to you Mr. Holmes.» 

Mr. Holmes straight up and wave his hand for me to continue. «I know you have figured out the first request. That I want you to find out the person who use my hacker name, but I have another one to. I want you to find my father...» Mr. Watson look surprised and look at Mr. Holmes. «I will do it. I find it interresting.» Mr. Watson looks like he is in shock. I smile and laugh. «Thank you Mr. Holmes and thank you Mr. Watson!» They both look at me. Mr. Holmes stand up and stretchs his arms. «Stop with that Mr. stuff. Call me Sherlock and that idiot over there John.» I smile and nod. «Hey! Don't call your bestfriend an idiot!» John pout. «Who said we were bestfriends?» Sherlock began writing in his notepad. 

I pick up my phone from the bag and check it for events. «Can I get your number?» It was John who asked. I nod and take his phone. After a few seconds I give him his phone back. «Um, don't you want my number?» I look weirdly at him. «I have already memorized it. And yours to Sherlock.» John smile. «I didn't expect less from a former hacker.» I rolled my eyes. «You will be living here from now on.» Sherlock surprised me. «I will live here? With you?» I tilt my head. Sherlock nod. John look from me to Sherlock and back to me. 

«It looks like we will see each other much from now on.» I nod. He take my hand and kiss it on the back. Sherlock hit him on the head. «Stop flirting John. You're scaring her.» I take my hand back and take my bag. «Where am I going to stay?» Sherlock nod to the old woman who gave me tea. «Mrs. Hudson will show you to your room.» She smiles kindly and make sign for me to follow her.

Sherlock POV

I look at the sofa she's been lying on. Then I look at John since he's been staring at me since I accepted her case. «Is something on my face?» John shake his head. «Sherlock, you have never accepted a case so fast and certainly not from a female. What made you accept it?» John stare at me. «It doesn't have anything to do with you.» I take up my notepad again and continue writing the list.

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