The Little Guidette

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                                   The Little Guidette

Chapter 1.

Ariel. Wait up” Said the small yellow fish swimming beside the mermaid.

“flounder!” Ariel the mermaid slowed down. Her long mermaid tail swaying in the water.

“i heard what happened with king triton” flounder the fish said with a sad tone to his voice “he had no right to destroy everything you had collect. After how long it took you. Im sorry Ariel.”

The mermaid didn’t say anything. She swam with determination, her long red hair trailed behind her.

“we can go up to the surface to see if we can find any new trinkets? Maybe start a new collection” flounder suggested sheepishly

“no. I have a better idea.” ariel said sardonically.

“i don’t like the sound of that, what are you planning?” he asked her.

Ariel didn’t respond. Instead she swam faster with new found vigor. New born anger taking over he emotions.

How dare he. Who does he think he is? she thought to herself. How could he destroy everything I thought dear to me. He will never understand.

“ariel! Wait, slow down.” flounder was left behind several yards

where is it? Ariel looked for the cavern of the sea witch she searched. I was told it would be here somewhere. Ariel scanned the ocean until finally there it was. It was a large cave with a narrow hole as an entrance. A light flickered from within. Ariel swam towards it. She suddenly stopped on the border of the entrance. Flounder swam into her.

“ouch” she said rubbing her back

“sorry” replied flounder.

With a bewildered look he scanned his surroundings.

“ariel... tha-tha-thats the evil sea witches lair!” he swam around frantically “you cant, you cant. You cant go in th-th-there” he stuttered.

“flounder hush” she said grabbing him gently by the fins. “i have to speak with her.”

“about what?” he sounded skeptical “what could you possibly want with that, that witch?” he said the last word with venom.

“I'm going to ask her for legs. I cant stay under the sea anymore. This place is not for me. I was born to be free. Not to be a prisoner of my fathers.” she looked at flounder with hope in her large blue eyes.

“no ariel. This is too dangerous! I cant let you go in there. I have to get king triton. This is insane”

“oh flounder please don’t. I have to see what its like up there. I have to see what a world that makes wonderful things is like. I want more.” she spun around with stars in her eyes “flounder cant you see? I want to see what a fire is, what a street is, I want to see people dancing. I want to spend a day warm on the sand.”

Flounder looked at her unsure. He understood Ariel more than anyone. She was his best friend and she had always been there for him. He wanted her to be happy but he knew this wasn’t the way.

Seeing the hope in ariels eyes he couldn’t deny her this. If she truly wanted to do this, if it would make her truly happy, how could he not support her? He loved her.

“alright ariel” he said sounding defeated “for the record, I was against this plan from the start.”

“oh flounder! You mean it?” she said excitedly.

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