Don't Mess With Me

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"Stop it! You're annoying," the Bog Prince growled. The stupid fairy princess kept following him. Ever since  yesterday. Ugh. I hate princesses. Unfortunately this Prince recognized the Kingdom next door's eldest princess. Great. 

He flew around a tree and hid. Don't get him wrong he wasn't a coward. But a princess. He remembered talking to the youngest princess. She was so boy crazy she tried to kiss him. Him of all people. He hoped the eldest wasn't like her. He was wrong.

Yesterday he was finishing his sword practice when he heard someone call his name. He turned around, but before he could respond someone ran into him. He was knocked down but felt something on his mouth.  His eyes widen. The princess from next door was kissing him. Her face went red. Before she could speak he pushed her off and sped away. After a while he looked back and found her following him. Oh great. She's boy crazy too! 

He escaped yesterday. Thought she had given up. But no. Because today when he went back to find his sword she was waiting there. He sped off. Luckily she didn't spot him behind the tree. He thanked the rot and continued on back to get his sword. When he got back home. His mother called out his name. 

He sighed. "Yes mother?"

"Look who's here," Oh no, "It's the future Queen. She came here to see you. Isn't that romantic. Although it should've been the other way around."

I groaned. "Mother! Why'd you let her in! She's been following me since yesterday!"

"My quit ambitious!"


"Okay okay I'm leaving. Remember I'm in the other room--"

"Goodbye mother." When she left the future prince and princess were standing five feet apart. Since he was running from her he never got a good look. She was wearing not-so-princess clothes. Her hair was chopped up and their was a scar running down her right eye. "So... why did you follow me home?"

She glared. "Well I wanted to ask you something but you kept running away like a jerk!"

"You kept trying to kiss me!"

"I-I wasn't trying to do that!" Her face was completely red. "I-I just wanted to talk to you but you always leave too early."

"So you were stalking me... You and your sister are both boy crazy!"

"No! Listen I just wanted a parring partner."

"Well that's-- wait what?" He realized that she had a sword at her hip. "Well why didn't you say that. And why did you kiss me?"

"WHAT!" His mother burst in and squeezed his cheeks. "My son has his first kiss and he didn't initiate it. Two princesses want my baby boy..."

"Mother please! I'm trying too..." When he looked up she was gone.

 The next day. He felt somewhat guilty, but she never responded. At his practice sight he kept fighting with a blindfold this time. He then felt a piece of metal hit metal. He undid his blindfold. The princess stood there with her sword in hand. "Oh look a little fairy."She did a move that made the boy drop his weapon. "Impressive--whoa!"

She held the sword at his neck. "Sorry for leaving yesterday but I needed too. Look I'm not some sort of boy crazy stalker. Okay! I was... watching you for awhile--"

"Right not creepy at all..." The steel was pressed even more. "Got it."

She smirked. Then frowned again, " I just wanted to see if you'd be a good practice partner! A-and the other day you were going to leave and... and I just didn't want you to take off! But I went to fast and-and you should've reacted faster! That when--" Her face went red again. "--Yeah. That happened. But I just want a someone to practice with..." her hand fell. "The other day someone tried to mess with me and gave me this..." She pointed at her eye. "I need to get stronger. And like my dad said. I can't do it alone. So..." She lowered her sword. "You're the only other person that actually seems like they want to get stronger."

"How do you know I want to get stronger?" Well she was watching him... 

"Nobody wakes up as early or leaves as late as you when they practice. Everyday..." She pouted and in frustration pulled her hair. "Sorry I'm weird. I'll... I'll leave you alone now."

"Wait. Hold on," I place my hand on her shoulder.  "Listen. I'm sorry for being a jerk..." He picked up his sword. "Come on then." He raised his sword towards her. "Let's fight Marianne!"

It took a moment but she finally smiled. "You asked for it Bog!"

They sparred until nightfall. They were both breathless. Lying on the floor. Facing the sky. "Hey... Bog. " The princess said in a soft voice. "Thanks."

He chuckled. "Thanks. For what? Beating you up."

For some reason her giggle caused him to blush. "No. For helping me."

He got on his elbows and stared down at her. Despite her being a princess she was alright. He smiled mischievously. "There is another way to thank me, Marianne."

"What--" She froze as she felt something on her cheek. Turning red she got up and sprinted after the already fleeing Prince. "You stupid prince! Don't mess with me!"

All you could hear was a princess's threats, and a cackling prince running into the night.

I'm done for today thank you and see you next time!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2020 ⏰

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