The Huntress and Her Prey

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The notorious Hunter by the name Gabriel Van Helsing, the Left Hand of God to slay monsters that roam the earth. There was no doubt that his eldest daughter Marianne would be the one to follow in his footsteps, or rather be the one to surpass him. Not only was she a courageous Hunter but one talented fighter especially with a sword. Never defeated in battle with her lucky amulet she kept tucked away in her blouse.

However living in her old fashion time period surrounded by sexist laws she was still considered weak. And there wasn't much help as her last lover Roland managed to convey the townspeople that she was in a fragile state since their breakup. None had cared that he had cheated on her, he was a man. Men were known for their urges. That didn't fit well with Marianne. She was determine to defend her title. That's when she decided to defeat the most dastardly creature known to man. A Vampire. Not just any vampire the King. It was someone her father couldn't even touch.

"Marianne, are you sure you want to be hunting the scariest monster alive!" Her companion, brother-in-law, Sunny, offered to keep her company along this dangerous mission. Key word 'offered' he never intended for his sister in law to allow him to tag along. "You don't have to prove anything. Your father is--"

"Key word Sunny, father. As long as his blood runs through my veins I'll always have something to prove," she stopped abruptly looking at the castle vefore them she looked back at the smaller man and notice the old cart they brought had the door open. "I appreciate your company," even though my sister practically begged you. "But this is as far as you go." She quickly sent him flying back with a kick to the chest. He landed with a omph into the carriage. 

"Marianne!" She slammed the cart door in his face.

"Sorry Sunny. I need to do this alone," sorry Lizzy, she slapped the horse's ass and it took off back the way it came. "Now," she grabbed the hilt of her sword. "To slay the Beast."

She quietly found her way into the castle. Despite the ancient ruin of the empty building with its dusty windows, the broken battlements and casements were beautiful. There was a table of gold, curtains and upholstery of the chairs and sofas were of the most beautiful fabrics, and must have been of immense value. 

"Centuries old but," Marianne's fingers hovered over the gold. "Still in excellent order."

"My, my impressive," with a surprised whip of her head Marianne witness a tall figure lingering in the shadows. "In all my years I've never seen a woman understand the true value of beauty."

"The King of demonic Bats!" She practically spat. Charging at him with weapon unsheathed. Before her blade touch him her body froze. She couldn't move. "What the-- Ahh!"

She was in midair gasping for the air that was taken out of her. That's when she was able to spot more of them. Circling around her.

"Well then... Huntress," the sound of his fingers snapping has enabled her to finally breath as she free fell to the ground. Before she landed she managed to land on her hands and backflip into a crouching position.

"Impressive," his voice sounded amused, "But can you take on all my minions?"

"Bring it on," she narrowed her eyes at the shadowy figure. "Spawn of Satan."

The other vampires wasted no time attacking. They easily opened their mouths spewing venom in her direction unsheathing her sword she easily deflected their advances. When they realized she wasn't getting hit they hissed and charged at her she smirked avoiding each of them. Swipping her blade nearly killing them instantly. She laughed never feeling so challenged before in her life. They were truly treating her as actual threat. When she killed the last minion she double checked her surroundings. Then with a satisfied smirk looked back at the King, "Is that all you got?"

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