Chapter 8 : Don't

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"Your what?" Riley asks, leaning forward to catch her eyes. Riot turns her head menacingly towards him.

"My dad. They're also called fathers, padres, daddies," Riot says, slowly getting louder and louder as she continues.

Riley waved his hands to shut her up and even puts one hand over her mouth. "I understand okay? Just be quiet, you're drawing attention."

Riot glares at him from underneath his hand before slapping his hand away from her mouth and sneers at him.

"But what's your dad doing here?" I ask quietly, eyes down and fiddling with my hands.

"He must need Mayhem," she answered, staring at me right in the eyes.

Fourth rule: only one safe place to talk.

Lisa shakes her head. "Whatever, I'm out," she says and stands up, leaving the table. I watch her sit down at Benjamin's table.

"His name's Aiden?" I question softly.

Riot finally looks away from Riley and to me. A slight spark of sadness and almost a bit of... anger?

"Yes. His name Aiden," she answered and then left the table as well.

I looked around between the other kids at my table to see what they were planning on doing. Most of them avoid my gaze or shrug. Riley sighs and stands up.

"C'mon," he says.

"Wha-what?" I stutter out, leaning back in my chair.

Riley rolls his eyes and shakes his head slightly, motioning with his hand to follow. "C'mon. Someone's gotta make sure she's not going to get in trouble and it's going to be easier with two people and not one."

I stare at him before slowly getting up and following. I'd be lying if I say that he doesn't make me a bit... wary of things you could say. There's just a vibe I feel coming from him that I can't explain, but it doesn't feel good at all.

I follow Riley very cautiously before nearly smacking myself in the face.

Headmaster told me to go right to my dorm after I ate and so far, his advice seems to be going well. I curse myself and slow my pace behind Riley.

He notices. How does he notice?

"C'mon Jamie," he urges, slowing down a bit and motioning his arms for me to come to him.

I completely stop against my better judgment and wait for a second. Spinning on my heels, I start walking the opposite direction.

"Jamie!" Riley calls out. "What are you doing?"

"I'm going back to my dorm," I call over my shoulder, "and staying out of trouble. Riot can handle herself."

"You trust her to be okay? Her brother's just left for who-knows-where, yesterday she disappeared and today she nearly stabs her brother! You trust her to be okay?" Riley shouts, and I hear his feet storming behind me to catch up.


Riley slides himself in front of me and starts walking backward to stare me down.

"You don't even know her real name."

My steps falter for a second before picking up the pace and I push him lightly out of my way.

"You don't even know her name!" he repeats after me.

"Neither do you but that's not stopping you from sticking around her!" I shout back and leave him in the corridors, alone, without looking


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