"Got it!" He said, disappearing in a blur.

The Bat stepped into the hallway to see Green Arrow and The Beast swinging at each other. Oliver was a little too slow to dodge one punch and got it right in the gut. He was thrown to the wall with the force of it and groaned loudly.

"Hey, Beast!" The Bat cried, putting up her fists. "You're mine bitch."

The KGBeast turned, cracked his knuckles and tilted his head back. "Bring eet on. I ruin you once. I can do eet again."

Here comes Phase 1. The Bat started running and threw a batarang at his right shoulder. The Beast turned his body to avoid it and when the Bat reached him, she put her left foot on his lower left hip, grabbed his shoulders, and swung herself behind him. She continued her motion, her right leg flying over his right shoulder and hooking around his right arm. Her left leg followed quickly, swinging underneath his right arm. The ankle of her left leg touched the calf of her right one, pinning his arm, and she swung all her body weight downwards. Her upper body plummeted towards the floor as she spun like a Ferris wheel, her legs swinging by and kicking the KGBeast right in the face. Then she unclamped her legs, landed on her hands and rolled away.

The Beast stumbled back, then roared and charged her. The Bat was on the floor, on her side. She rolled and delivered a sharp kick to his chest, knocking him back.

By this time Green Arrow was up and attacked the Beast using his bow as a weapon. A jab in the Beast's stomach and a swing with the bow at his legs, which the Beast avoided by jumping. Slap, slap, a hit to each side of the Beast's head as Oliver twirled the bow around. A sharp uppercut from the Beast combined with a kick threw Green Arrow back and off him.

Phase 2.The Bat used this momentary distraction to rush him again, this time grabbing his right arm and shoulder and using them to swing herself up to wrap her legs around his neck. She crossed her legs behind his back, and pulled herself up so she was sitting on his shoulders, facing him. The Beast stumbled with the sudden extra weight and The Bat took advantage of that, landing three heavy blows to his head before he charged head first into a wall, knocking her flat against it and causing her head to snap back and hit the concrete.

The Beast pulled himself from her and she slid down the wall. Before she hit the bottom he had her neck pinned to the wall with one of his strong hands. The Bat gasped for a air as The Beast snarled at her. He's just too strong for me...just like before...

"Size does not matter, Mzu! Stop focusing on how hard it is and think instead of how you're going to defeat your opponent!" She could hear Ducard saying in her head as he had countless times. Right, I won't give up! A kick to his left knee, then a punch to his head before Oliver brought his bow over the KGBeast's head and hooked it around his neck, yanking him back. As the Beast struggled to release himself from Green Arrow's hold, The Bat recovered. Just as the Beast managed to throw Green Arrow's bow off of him, The Bat attacked him with three knee jabs to the Beast's stomach and then...

"This is for Dick!" The Bat cried, kicking him right in the groin.

"Mother Russia!" The Beast squeaked. Then he dropped to his knees on the floor.

The Bat tossed a pair of tungsten hand-cuffs to Green Arrow before locking her fists together and swinging in from the side to deliver a massive hit to The Beast's head. His body was flung over like a uncooked piece of bacon and he hit the floor on his side with a big thump.

Just then a red blur came flying by and The Flash appeared a few yards down the hall with a 7 year old Asian kid in his arms.

"Dick!" The Bat cried with wide eyes. "Is he okay?"

Batman Alternate Universe--Conquering the Beastحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن