She Treats Her Better

Start from the beginning

"What aura? My aura are always the same, Chae." Tzuyu replied her Bestfriend who's been asking why they can't go home together.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever you say. So, answer my first question. Why can't we go home together?" Chaeyoung asked while doing some aegyo infront of Tzuyu.

"I'm going somewhere."

"Where's that somewhere?"

"N. O. Y. B."

"What? Are you using alien language? Or Yoda language?"

"It means None of your business dwarf."

"Hey, I'm still older than you."

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever you say." Tzuyu said as she copied Chaeyoung tone earlier.

"Fine, I'm going now Yoda, since you'll not going to take me home. Ba-bye." Chaeyoung said as she wave her hand infront of Tzuyu.

"Take care dwarf." Tzuyu said as she made her way into the school's parking lot and saw Mina standing beside her car, as soon as Mina saw Tzuyu walking towards her, Mina gave her a cheekily smile.

Tzuyu can't help but to smile back as wide as Mina gave her.

"Would you mind if we use your car again?" Mina asked while Tzuyu just shake her head and opened the door for her.

"Would you mind if I ask how do you know me?" Tzuyu asked once they got in into the car.

"Well, you're a baseball varsity right? How can I not know you?" Mina said as she let out a small giggle that made Tzuyu's cheeks turned into tinted pink.

"So, Where do you want to go?" Tzuyu ask, she let Mina think for a second as she came up with an answer.

"Jamyeon district. I heard they have the best Ice Cream there." Tzuyu just nodded her head as she started driving.

"So how old are you Tzuyu?" Mina asked while Tzuyu is driving. Maybe just to fill the silent moment of them.

"18." Tzuyu answered.

"Are you always like that?" Mina asked, making Tzuyu steal glance at her.

"What 'like that'?" Tzuyu meet her eyebrows due to her confusion.

"Keeping the conversation short. You seem not a talkative person type." Tzuyu just smiled.

"I am back then." Tzuyu just shrugged her shoulders and turn on her car's radio.

"But then she came into your life and ruin you?" Mina said as she smiled at Tzuyu, Tzuyu felt her chest tighten because she was shock and at the same time she was hurt, because truth really hurts.

Tzuyu gathered all her strength as she gave a fake smile to Mina and turned her attention to the road.

"H-How do you know?" Tzuyu asked, her grip on the steering wheel was more forceful, afraid that tears will come out into her eyes and can't help herself to break more.

"Sana is My Bestfriend, Tzuyu. She always tell me stories about you." Mina said, Tzuyu can't help to be speechless because of what Mina just told her.

"Do you know why did she leave me?" Tzuyu can't help it, she can't help not to cry. When they were talking about Sana, The one who made her life perfect but break it at the same time.

"Tzuyu we're here."


"So, What flavor do you like? My treat, since you save me from the rain earlier." Mina said as she pulled Tzuyu into the counter and let her choose flavor.

MiTzu Drabbles/OneShot By YesooJjangWhere stories live. Discover now