Chapter 1 - No One Is Laughing

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Author's Note: This is the Sequel to The Blue Sheep, so check it out if you want some more background. If not, keep on reading and enjoy the story! 

Chapter 1 - No One Is Laughing

            It was sunny in the Orange County cemetery, exactly the opposite of what one would expect on a day like this. Her family sobbed in the front and her sister sang a beautiful rendition of Enya’s Only Time. Cooper’s blue eyes kept on the lowering coffin and his heart started to race. He looked over to his friends and he couldn’t imagine any of them in a coffin. The past few weeks brought Cooper more deaths and more times with him getting closer to the coffin than ever before. As the coffin lowered he couldn’t help but picture himself lowering into the ground.

            “Cooper,” Emily Lee nudged him. “You okay? You want some water?” She whispered. Her almond shaped eyes and soft smile couldn’t stop Coopers heart from speeding. She generally had some bohemian outfit on but the occasion called for some black slacks and a dress shirt.

            Cooper started to panic as he noticed his breathing pick up. He feigned a smile that she probably saw threw and scooted past his other friend Parker who eyed him leaving the group. He turned back to Emily who shrugged her shoulders and raised her eyebrows. Parker turned back to the front as the family approached a cage of doves ready to be released.

            Hurrying away from the crowd Cooper’s eyes darted around the cemetery looking for a bathroom or something. It was clean and the grass mown perfectly.  Palm trees swayed back and fourth making the man nauseas. He tugged at his tie, which was choking his neck and managed to get down the hill to the road. His heart felt like it was going to jump out of his chest and his mind kept racing back to the coffin.

            Cooper hurried behind a tree underneath the only shade he could find and he gulped back sitting down. Looking up doves flew above and his vision became tunneled. He leaned over and threw up and then edged away from the vomit staring up at the doves flying further away a dark circle enclosing around them.


Previous Night: Los Angeles, California

            In an alleyway behind a Silverlake bar called Akbar, Damian leaned in and kissed Cooper’s neck whispering his dead boyfriend’s name into his ear. He licked Cooper’s ear then tugged at the man’s pants further exposing his smooth butt.

The man unzipped his jeans tugging them down exposing his cock. As he lowered his penis there was a sharp snap and Damain’s head twisted around as blood trickled out. His body flung against the wall and Cooper laid still in shock for a moment before getting up and wiping some of the dried blood from his back.

Cooper turned to look at Damian’s dead body and bites his lip to see whom his knight in shining armor was, it was pale muscled man with an almost Ivy League appeal in a glossy grey dress shirt tucked into black pants. He smiled revealing two sharp fangs. Holding a hand out the man helped Cooper up. Cooper had met this man before his name was James.

“ Please don’t,” Cooper looked away from James and then peaked back as the man’s fangs retracted and he smiled pleasantly at the boy. “I don’t want to be tized again.”  Vampires had a special power to manipulate memories and hypnotize people. This was only something that could be learned so not every vampire knew how to do it. But for some vampires it was a deadly skill.

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