Unanswered Questions..

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"I thought you smelled human blood? Why the hell are we looking at a wolf?" Stiles asked Scott while we all just stood there. 

"I told you there was something different." Scott explained while he looked around franticly. "come on we gotta get out of here." He said with a panic tone in his voice. 

Stiles sighed, most likely wanting to get Derek thrown in jail tonight but that didnt look like it was happening. "fine just help me cover this up." 

I reached for a shovel but stopped once I noticed Stiles froze in place. I looked at Scott who gave me the same look while we asked Stiles what he was looking at. We watched as he got up and got down to eye level, looking at a bright purple flower. 

I've seen that before. I knew what it was. 

"What's that?" Scott asked me while I looked at him and sighed. 

Wow, he really needs to get some information no being a werewolf because he didnt know anything. Not even the lame tales or things from movies. 

"It's wolfsbane." 

"what's that?" Scott asked me, still confused. 

That's when Stiles looked over at us and sighed. "Have you not seen The Wolfman?" Scott shook his head while Stiles kept naming different werewolf movies but Scott was still as clueless as ever. How he has survived this long is beyond me. 

Stiles and I rolled our eyes at him while Scott and I stood by and watched Stiles start pulling the plant from the ground. Stiles eyes went wide once he realized it was attached to a rope. He started pulling it out little by little as he followed it around in a circle. 

"What the hell is this all about?" I asked him while Stiles ignored me and finally finished pulling out the rope. 

"Guys." Scott said from behind us but he didn't sound like him. He sounded... different. 

We turned around and I let out a small scream before jumping into Stiles arms once we noticed the wolf had been replaced with half the body of the girl. Stiles had his arms wrapped around me protectivly as we approached the "grave" and looked. 

What the hell just happened? 

I looked at Stiles, blushing slightly once I realized his arms were still wrapped around me. He must have read my mind or something because he soon coughed and then backed away slightly. Scott, Stiles, and I all exchanged looks as we stood there looking at the open grave which now had the missing body in it. 

Sure there was one question that was answered but there's still a lot of unanswered questions.. 


The very next day, I stood by Scott next to Stiles jeep as we watched the police put the 'caution' tape all around the Hale House. Right now, we were watching them arrest Derek for the murder of that girl, and even though there plan worked, I still had a bad feeling about this. 

Something just didnt seem right. 

I mean if Derek had killed that girl, why would he bury her somewhere so obvious? Why would he stay in town? I mean unless he's not that bright but by the looks of him he looks like he knows what he's doing. 

But then again you cant judge a book by it's cover.... 

As Sheriff Stilinski and another officer lead Derek to the police car, he shot us a look with a knowing smirk. I swear that guy knew something we didnt, which was obvious but I couldn't figure out why he was being a creeper. If he knew something and wanted to help Scott then why wouldnt he just come out and say it?

Skinny Love♥ (Stiles Stilinski/Teen Wolf Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now