Start from the beginning

Picturey: (+_+) giant-explOsion

Mephone4: ...... I'll do it

Picturey: 😱 you'll do that i mean we might DIE

Mephone4: ..... Someone will recover us..

Picturey: i think your the only person that can recover ...everyone ..

Mephone4: .... I actually have no idea how my phone recovers well since were still humans

Picturey: :3 i like being humans!

Mephone4: (@_@) oh ok..

Picturey: anyways....heres the thing phone thing...lets go to my atic!

Mephone4: you have an atic?

Picturey: yeah eh..don't ask why i can't answer the question if you asked ..i can't explain ..

Mephone4: yeah um lets get going.. *everyone goes to the atic*

Picturey: well that took awhile..anywho.. Lets go to the baloni.. Um..i think i'll just um *presses a button* yeah that grass will not break ...

Mephone4: uh..ok ........ *drops phone*

Picturey: *Woah nothing happened* i'll guess it will happen soon...*BOOM EXPLOSION HAS HAPPENED* woah IT BTOKE HALF OF MY HOUSE

Mephone4: uh..i'll pay for you..

Picturey: a-are you sure its alot to pay..

Mephone4: nah..i'm fine with it

Picturey: uh..ok?

Melody: for the time being you can come to my house!

Picturey: oh ok sure! Your house is a walking distance *everyone walks to melody's house* well were here..

Melody: yep lets go in!

Picturey: sure *everyone goes in melody's house*

Mephone4: your house is nice..

Melody: *giggles* taakes~

Note: do you have a DJ table thing? Cus of a dare..

Melody: oh yes! My dad gave it to me for my birthday!

Note: thanks! *plays monody*

Picturey: well then lets get to the next dares..

Picturey: well then lets get to the next dares

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