The sweetest day of spring - Itachi one shot

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Character: Uchiha Itachi

Anime: Naruto (copyright to Masashi Kishimoto)

OC: Obe Sanaye

It was a sunny day of spring. It was early in the morning, the sun was already shining and a soft wind was sweeping through the grass. The birds were awake and chirping, rushing and racing through the sky.

Most of the Akatsuki was away on mission so the place was quiet today.

You woke up in a pretty good mood and after you got out of bed, you headed to your wardrobe. You took out a mustard-yellow tank top and your black baggy training pants.

-Good morning, Deidara, you greeted the artist.

His room was to the right of yours, to your left was Kakuzu’s but he was away today.

-Good morning, Sanaye-chan.

-What a nice weather today, isn’t it?

-It sure it, un. A perfect day for some art, un.

-Is blowing things up the only thing on your mind, you said giggling.

-You need to learn, Sanaye-chan, art is a bang and that’s that,un, he said grinning.

You sighed amused by his cockiness.

-Deidara, you know that I don’t agree with you nor with Sasori about art, to me, art is nearly everywhere. Let’s just leave it at that.

By this time you’ve reached the kitchen. Itachi was already there, eating a bowl of cereal and he barely looked up at the two of you.

-Hey, Itachi-san, good morning.

-Good morning, Sanaye. Deidara, was all he said before returning his attention to his meal.

You grabbed something to eat and sat down next to Itachi.

-Sanaye-chan, I’ll go eat this in the living-room, un, Deidara said while shooting Itachi a glare.

You nodded understandingly and started eating.

You’ve had some sort of feelings for Itachi but you didn’t want to show it. Sure, you were maybe trying to be a bit closer to him than to other guys but you never planned on telling him anything.

In a couple of minutes full of awkward silence, you finished your breakfast and headed separate directions. You went to the living-room, Deidara walking by. You plopped down on of the couches and shot Sasori a glace. He was just finishing some details on a future puppet’s new arm.

-Sanaye, you need to tell him, Sasori said though not showing any sign of interest.


-Tell Itachi how you feel about him.

-Itachi-san is nothing but a colleague, Sasori. Besides, what exactly made you think I have feelings of such kind for anyone?

Sasori snickered at your obliviousness. Truth is, you’ve been pretty discreet about it, it was weird that someone actually found out.

You were confused now. How did it leak? Was it only Sasori that knew about this? Did Itachi-san know? What gave it away? What if the others find out? What of your reputation? You tensed slightly more and more with each question you asked yourself as your breath slowed down.

-Relax, Sanaye. No one else knows. The Akatsuki is tough but really, Sanaye, no pain no gain.

-I do not have feelings for the Uchiha, ok? you asked with a small, slightly irritated giggle. Or anyone else for that matter, you sighed. Look, Sasori, I know you’re a stubborn one, but this time you’re just wrong.

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